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Gene Review

blaZ  -  beta-lactamase

Staphylococcus aureus

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Disease relevance of blaZ


High impact information on blaZ


Chemical compound and disease context of blaZ


Biological context of blaZ

  • The qacA/B and blaZ probes hybridized to plasmids of similar size in three isolates [14].
  • Similarly, a pC194-based shuttle vector (pGX318) containing the 5' end of blaZ (including the promoter and the coding region for the signal sequence and the first few amino acids of the mature protein) was unable to transform B. subtilis [1].
  • Patterns of induction are influenced by the host strain and are slightly different from previous reports using the blaZ gene as reporter gene [15].
  • Nucleotide sequence of the Staphylococcus aureus PC1 beta-lactamase gene [16].
  • Kinetic measurements and electrospray mass spectrometry revealed that the first and third generation cephalosporins form stable acyl-enzyme complexes, except for the chromogenic cephalosporin, nitrocefin, which after acylating the enzyme undergoes hydrolysis at a 1000-fold slower rate than that with wild-type beta-lactamase [17].

Anatomical context of blaZ

  • These types include combinations of agents that inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis with aminoglycosidic aminocyclitols, the use of beta-lactamase inhibitors in combination with beta-lactam antibiotics, and the administration of agents that act on sequential steps in one of the bacterial metabolic or synthetic pathways [18].
  • Failure to eradicate streptococci from patients can occasionally lead to rheumatic fever and rarely to glomerulonephritis. beta-lactamase-producing strains of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in inflamed tonsils have been associated with increased failure rates of penicillins in the eradication of these infections [19].
  • When 2 clinical strains of plasmid-mediated penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were treated with 1 mM sodium ascorbate for 6 h, 12-35% colony-forming units (CFU) irreversibly lost their ability to produce beta-lactamase [20].
  • The emergence of penicillin and multidrug-resistant pneumococci and beta-lactamase-producing strains of H influenzae and M catarrhalis have special importance for the management of infections of the middle ear [21].
  • Beta-lactamase, the bacterial enzyme that can inactivate penicillins, cephalosporins and related antibiotics, can function outside the cell or in the periplasmic space [22].

Associations of blaZ with chemical compounds

  • In the three other BC and penicillin-resistant strains, the qacA/B and blaZ genes were located on separate plasmids [14].
  • N-Carboxylated lysine also catalyzes hydrolytic deacylation of the acyl-enzyme species in the beta-lactamase [23].
  • The beta-lactamase genes could be transferred to enterococcal and staphylococcal recipients from WH257 and DEL by conjugation or transformation with selection for gentamicin resistance [24].
  • MecI-mediated repression of the synthesis of beta-lactamase was shown by reduction in the specific activity of nitrocefinase in bacteria containing a plasmid carrying mecI but not when containing the same plasmid deleted for mecI [9].
  • Most examples of antibiotic antagonism are those in which a bacteriostatic agent renders a bactericidal agent "static." Another type of antagonism occurs when cefoxitin (which has a propensity to induce beta-lactamase production) is combined with another beta-lactam antibiotic [18].

Other interactions of blaZ

  • Complete pbp2 sequences were determined for three BORSA, corresponding to ST25, ST1 and ST47, which were selected on the basis of lacking blaZ-encoded beta-lactamase [25].
  • Either inducible beta-lactamase regulatory genes blaR1-blaI or homologous regulatory genes mecR1-mecI, which control mecA expression, acted as compensatory elements, permitting the maintenance and expression of plasmid-carried mecA [26].
  • A novel plasmid (designated pUB102) harbouring far1, tetK and blaZ was characterised and partially sequenced [27].
  • The pre-steady state kinetics of the hydrolysis of sodium 3-dansylamidomethyl-7-beta (thienyl-2')-acetamidoceph-3-em-4-oate, catalyzed by the beta-lactamase of Staphylococcus aureus PC1, has been studied by the stopped flow method [10].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of blaZ


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