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Chemical Compound Review

Augmentin     potassium;(2S,5R,6R)-6- [[(2R)-2-amino-2...

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Disease relevance of Augmentin


Psychiatry related information on Augmentin


High impact information on Augmentin


Chemical compound and disease context of Augmentin


Biological context of Augmentin


Anatomical context of Augmentin

  • Lung secretions from patients with bronchiectasis have been studied before and during treatment with amoxycillin/clavulanate (Augmentin 750 mg tds). beta-Lactamase activity was usually present in the sputum sol phase and originated from organisms not usually considered to be the major pathogen [22].
  • A new beta-lactamase-stable oral antibiotic (Augmentin) has been found to be effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections (uncomplicated and complicated, recurrent, and nosocomial) and bacteriuria [23].
  • Microbial and clinical features of 2-to-3 wall periodontal bony defects treated with membranes with and without concomitant use of systemic Augmentin therapy were also determined [24].
  • We would recommend 3 days of additional oral Augmentin after a single dose of intravenous antibiotics in patients at increased risk of sepsis, which would include those with bile duct stones and/or those undergoing a therapeutic procedure [25].
  • An investigation into the effect of traumatically produced cerebrospinal fluid fistulae on the passage of Augmentin across the blood-brain barrier [26].

Associations of Augmentin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Augmentin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Augmentin


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