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Disease relevance of Neuroanatomy

  • These findings suggest that the FMR-1 mutation causing the fragile X syndrome leads to observable changes in neuroanatomy that may be relevant to the neurodevelopmental disability and behavioural problems observed in affected individuals [1].

Psychiatry related information on Neuroanatomy

  • The functional neuroanatomy of Tourette's syndrome: an FDG-PET study. I. Regional changes in cerebral glucose metabolism differentiating patients and controls [2].
  • Postnatal exposure to ethanol that produces high-peak blood ethanol concentrations (HP-BEC) in artificially reared infant rats affects hippocampal neuroanatomy and discrimination learning based on memorial cues from a patterned (single) alternation (PA) schedule in preweanling rats (P. L. Greene, J. L. Diaz-Granados, & A. Amsel, 1992) [3].
  • The neuroanatomy of 5-HT dysregulation and panic disorder [4].
  • Assuming that the rut behavioral defect is not due to altered neuroanatomy, the data also suggest that the adenylate cyclase activity lesioned by rut is only one of the molecular processes required for acquisition and short-term memory [5].

High impact information on Neuroanatomy


Biological context of Neuroanatomy


Anatomical context of Neuroanatomy


Associations of Neuroanatomy with chemical compounds

  • Homozygous mice show large reductions in brain tissue monoamines, motor impairments, enhanced sensitivity to dopamine agonism, and changes in the chemical neuroanatomy of the striatum that are consistent with alterations in the balance of the striatonigral (direct) and striatopallidal (indirect) pathways [19].
  • This effort is consistent with the goals of the Unified Medical Language System program of the National Library of Medicine. It is hoped that the systematic construction of the NeuroNames Brain Hierarchy will facilitate use of the most widely accepted definitions of classical neuroanatomy in quantitative computerized neuroimaging applications [20].
  • Hypothalamic neuroanatomy: steroid hormone binding and patterns of axonal projections [21].
  • First, a background on the GABA system is provided, including GABA pharmacology and neuroanatomy of GABAergic neurons [22].
  • Several serotonin receptors are also prominently expressed in the striatum, but little is known about how they fit into the molecular neuroanatomy described above [23].

Gene context of Neuroanatomy

  • Adult mice generated with a mutation in Lhx5 were found to display absent or disorganized hippocampal neuroanatomy [24].
  • This review, based on a Medline search from 1980 to 2001, focuses on the functional neuroanatomy, receptor pharmacology, VP synergism with CRH, and the data from clinical and pre-clinical studies that support an important role for AVP in the pathophysiology of major depression [25].
  • FOXP2 and the neuroanatomy of speech and language [26].
  • Although the NMDA receptor has been implicated in several aspects of neurodevelopment, overall neuroanatomy of NR1-/- mice appeared normal [27].
  • The underlying neuroanatomy involves hippocampal-cortical interactions indicative of a partial epilepsy [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neuroanatomy


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