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Tissue Therapy

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Disease relevance of Tissue Therapy


High impact information on Tissue Therapy

  • Stem cell controversy to stall European tissue and cell therapy rules [6].
  • The identification of p63 as a keratinocyte stem cell marker will be of practical importance for the clinical application of epithelial cultures in cell therapy as well as for studies on epithelial tumorigenesis [7].
  • Cell therapy of VLCAD deficiency was related to drug-induced increases in VLCAD mRNA (+44 to +150%; P<0.001), protein (1.5-2-fold) and residual enzyme activity (up to 7.7-fold) in patient cells [8].
  • Relapse was reversed by allogeneic cell therapy in 2/3 cases, currently with no residual host DNA (male) by cytogenetic analysis and polymerase chain reaction [9].
  • In Crigler-Najjar type II patients and, recently, in Crigler-Najjar type I patients treated with human hepatocyte cell therapy, phenobarbital has been used for reducing the serum bilirubin load [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tissue Therapy


Biological context of Tissue Therapy


Anatomical context of Tissue Therapy


Associations of Tissue Therapy with chemical compounds

  • Patients with PFIC3 due to MDR3 deficiency may benefit from ursodeoxycholic acid therapy and could be good candidates for cell therapy in the future [20].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Doxorubicin-induced hepatic endothelial damage enhanced cell engraftment, which should be useful in cell therapy strategies [21].
  • Despite this, when tested in gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy cell cytotoxicity studies, cells expressing wtNR or mtNR had similar sensitivity to the prodrug CB1954 and mounted similar bystander killing effects [22].
  • Only early intervention with gamma-aminobutyric acid cell therapy is able to reverse neuropathic pain after partial nerve injury [23].
  • Cell therapy using microencapsulated 293 cells transfected with a gene construct expressing CYP2B1, an ifosfamide converting enzyme, instilled intra-arterially in patients with advanced-stage pancreatic carcinoma: a phase I/II study [24].

Gene context of Tissue Therapy

  • OBJECTIVE: We aimed to achieve angiogenic synergism between human vascular endothelial growth factor 165 (VEGF 165 ) and angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) using a new adenoviral bicistronic vector concurrently with cell therapy to repair an ischemically damaged hind limb in a rabbit model [25].
  • The controlled regulation of HGF/c-met expression may be beneficial in tissue engineering and cell therapy employing hMSC [26].
  • This work describes the first successful oligodendrocyte-based cell therapy for presymptomatic arylsulfatase A (ARSA) null neonate mice, a murine model for human metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) [27].
  • Gene and cell therapy strategies aim to restore the dystrophin-associated protein complex [28].
  • Moreover, apparently with the exception of one or two reagents (16H5 and possibly B-F5) routine laboratory parameters which are helpful in determining disease activity such as CRP or the rheumatoid factor usually remain unaltered with anti-T cell therapy [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tissue Therapy

  • Western blot analysis revealed that cell therapy modulated expression of molecules in the VEGF, MCP-1, and angiopoietin pathways [30].
  • On leukopheresis products obtained from patients included in a protocol interleukin-2/lymphokine-activated killer (IL-2/LAK) cell therapy, we analyzed, in parallel with the standard culture and on large volumes of these products, different parameters which could either improve LAK cell enhancement or simplify the procedure [31].


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