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Neoplastic Processes

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Disease relevance of Neoplastic Processes


High impact information on Neoplastic Processes

  • In its wild-type form, the protein p53 can interfere with neoplastic processes [6].
  • In humans, mutations in T-box genes are responsible for developmental dysmorphic syndromes, and several T-box genes have been implicated in neoplastic processes [7].
  • These contrasting immunological phenomena are examined as contributing factors responsible for the enhancement by this virus of asparaginase (EC; L-asparagine amidolydrolase) therapy against leukemia in mice, and for the alteration of the susceptibility of mice to various neoplastic processes [8].
  • Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) regulate the degradation of extracellular matrix components and play important roles in the progression of select neoplastic processes [9].
  • However, despite the large body of genetic and biological evidence suggesting the importance of RET in development and neoplastic processes, the signal transduction mechanisms of RET remain unknown [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Neoplastic Processes


Biological context of Neoplastic Processes


Anatomical context of Neoplastic Processes


Gene context of Neoplastic Processes

  • This is the first demonstration of somatic beta-catenin mutations in a locally invasive, but non metastatic lesion composed of spindle cells, illustrating the importance of beta-catenin stabilization in a variety of cell types and neoplastic processes [26].
  • Finally, the role of DC-SIGN in pathology, particularly in infective and neoplastic processes, is discussed, followed by speculation about likely future developments in this field [27].
  • Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta1), a multifunctional cytokine secreted by various cell types has been implicated in diverse physiologic and pathophysiologic functions, including immunological, inflammatory, and neoplastic processes [28].
  • Because differential splicing produces multiple isoforms with potentially different functions, Ikaros provides a unique model to study how post-transcriptional mechanisms may be involved in neoplastic processes [29].
  • These data further support the notion that BKV TAg can affect cellular growth control mechanisms and may in fact be involved in neoplastic processes [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neoplastic Processes


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