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Gene Review

TBX1  -  T-box 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CAFS, CATCH22, CTHM, DGCR, DGS, ...
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Disease relevance of TBX1


Psychiatry related information on TBX1


High impact information on TBX1


Chemical compound and disease context of TBX1


Biological context of TBX1

  • Here we show that although TBX1, TBX2 and the Xenopus T protein (Xbra) share only 50-60% identity within their DNA-binding domains they can bind the same DNA sequence in vitro [21].
  • INTERPRETATION: Our results suggest that the TBX1 mutation is responsible for five major phenotypes in del22q11.2 syndrome [22].
  • Allelic variations at the haploid TBX1 locus do not influence the cardiac phenotype in cases of 22q11 microdeletion [23].
  • The level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct T-box gene expression domains and growth along the dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup [24].
  • Members of the T-box family of transcription factors share an evolutionarily conserved DNA-binding domain and play significant roles in various processes of embryonic development [25].

Anatomical context of TBX1

  • Human and mouse studies indicate that haploinsufficiency of the transcription factor TBX1 disrupts pharyngeal arch development, resulting in the cardiac and craniofacial features associated with microdeletion of 22q11 (del22q11), the most frequent human deletion syndrome [26].
  • Expression of human TBX1 in adult and fetal tissues, as determined by Northern blot analysis, is similar to that found in the mouse [27].
  • Tbx2 and Tbx3 are closely related T-box proteins that have been implicated in development of a number of different tissues including the mammary gland [28].
  • New T-box family members have been found in vertebrate and invertebrate embryos and the importance of this gene family is illustrated by the discovery that mutations in human TBX5 are responsible for Holt-Oram syndrome, which is characterised by abnormalities in heart and forelimb development [29].
  • The role of Brachyury and other T-box genes in the differentiation of mesoderm and endoderm of vertebrates is well established [30].

Associations of TBX1 with chemical compounds

  • The T-box transcription factor T-bet is expressed in a number of hematopoetic cell types and plays an essential role in the lineage determination of Th1 T-helper cells [31].
  • Thus, we suggest that del22q11 is a contiguous gene syndrome involving dose-sensitive interaction of CRKL and TBX1 and locally aberrant RA signaling [32].
  • One mutant gene contains a single base substitution that changes a tryptophan codon (TGG) to a termination codon (TGA) [33].
  • One mutation consisted of insertion of an adenosine at position 1304 which created a premature termination codon (TAA), whereas the second consisted of deletion of the thymidine at position 1298 which created a premature termination codon (TGA) 23 nucleotides downstream [34].
  • Analysis of over 7000 nucleotides of the gene revealed a single base mutation that altered a CG dinucleotide and converted the codon CGA for arginine at amino acid position alpha 1-732 to TGA, a stop codon [35].

Regulatory relationships of TBX1


Other interactions of TBX1

  • At least seven family members are expressed in the developing mammalian heart, and the human T-box genes TBX1 and TBX5 are mutated in cardiac congenital anomaly syndromes [38].
  • COMT and TBX1 were deleted in all 44 subjects, and PRODH in 40 subjects (19 SZ, 21 NP) [39].
  • Virtual cloning and physical mapping of a human T-box gene, TBX4 [40].
  • RECENT FINDINGS: The identification of candidate genes for heart anomalies, mental illness, and other clinical phenotypes has been reported in the past year with a focus on TBX1 for cardiac and craniofacial phenotypes and COMT and PRODH for psychiatric disorders [41].
  • Truncated forms of cytosolic serine hydroxymethyl transferase (cSHMT), T-box transcription factor 3 (Tbx3) and utrophin were aberrantly expressed in samples from cancer patients as compared to samples from noncancerous cases [42].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TBX1

  • Sequence analysis of the proband band 3 cDNA and genomic DNA showed a C --> T substitution resulting in a nonsense mutation (CGA --> TGA; Arg --> Stop) at the position corresponding to codon 646 in human red cell band 3 cDNA [43].
  • We report the molecular cloning of human and mouse homologs of the selD gene, designated Sps2, which contains an in-frame TGA codon at a site corresponding to the enzyme's putative active site [44].
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 576 base pairs of exon h (VIII) with cloning and dideoxy sequencing of cloned DNA from one hemophiliac revealed a single C----T transition in codon 338 that changes an arginine residue codon CGA to a nonsense codon TGA [45].
  • The CATCH 22 acronym outlines the main clinical features of 22q11.2 deletions (cardiac defects, abnormal facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate and hypocalcemia), usually found in DiGeorge (DGS) and velo-cardio-facial (VCFS) syndromes [46].
  • The chemical composition of solution precursors and resultant beta-Co(OH)2 crystallites has been analyzed with UV-vis/FTIR/CHN /XRD/TGA/TEM/SAED methods [47].


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