MeSH Review:
Chromosome Pairing
de Rooij,
De La Roza,
- Formation of nascent heteroduplex structures by RecA protein and DNA. Wu, A.M., Kahn, R., DasGupta, C., Radding, C.M. Cell (1982)
- Xis protein binding to the left arm stimulates excision of conjugative transposon Tn916. Connolly, K.M., Iwahara, M., Clubb, R.T. J. Bacteriol. (2002)
- Effects of bromocriptine on the voluntary consumption of ethanol, water, and solid food by UChA and UChB rats. Mardones, J., Quintanilla, M.E. Alcohol (1996)
- alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin polymorphism in the gene promoter region affects survival and synapsis loss in Alzheimer's disease. Licastro, F., Chiappelli, M., Thal, L.J., Masliah, E. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. Supplement. (2004)
- Interchangeable parts of the Escherichia coli recombination machinery. Amundsen, S.K., Smith, G.R. Cell (2003)
- Recombinational DNA double-strand breaks in mice precede synapsis. Mahadevaiah, S.K., Turner, J.M., Baudat, F., Rogakou, E.P., de Boer, P., Blanco-Rodríguez, J., Jasin, M., Keeney, S., Bonner, W.M., Burgoyne, P.S. Nat. Genet. (2001)
- Zip3 provides a link between recombination enzymes and synaptonemal complex proteins. Agarwal, S., Roeder, G.S. Cell (2000)
- Meiotic recombination in C. elegans initiates by a conserved mechanism and is dispensable for homologous chromosome synapsis. Dernburg, A.F., McDonald, K., Moulder, G., Barstead, R., Dresser, M., Villeneuve, A.M. Cell (1998)
- Male mice defective in the DNA mismatch repair gene PMS2 exhibit abnormal chromosome synapsis in meiosis. Baker, S.M., Bronner, C.E., Zhang, L., Plug, A.W., Robatzek, M., Warren, G., Elliott, E.A., Yu, J., Ashley, T., Arnheim, N., Flavell, R.A., Liskay, R.M. Cell (1995)
- The meiotic checkpoint monitoring synapsis eliminates spermatocytes via p53-independent apoptosis. Odorisio, T., Rodriguez, T.A., Evans, E.P., Clarke, A.R., Burgoyne, P.S. Nat. Genet. (1998)
- Close, stable homolog juxtaposition during meiosis in budding yeast is dependent on meiotic recombination, occurs independently of synapsis, and is distinct from DSB-independent pairing contacts. Peoples, T.L., Dean, E., Gonzalez, O., Lambourne, L., Burgess, S.M. Genes Dev. (2002)
- Roles for two RecA homologs in promoting meiotic chromosome synapsis. Rockmill, B., Sym, M., Scherthan, H., Roeder, G.S. Genes Dev. (1995)
- Stable synapsis of homologous DNA molecules mediated by the Escherichia coli RecA protein involves local exchange of DNA strands. Adzuma, K. Genes Dev. (1992)
- Regulation of meiotic metaphase by a cytoplasmic maturation-promoting factor during mouse oocyte maturation. Hashimoto, N., Kishimoto, T. Dev. Biol. (1988)
- Correlation of meiotic events in testis sections and microspreads of mouse spermatocytes relative to the mid-pachytene checkpoint. Ashley, T., Gaeth, A.P., Creemers, L.B., Hack, A.M., de Rooij, D.G. Chromosoma (2004)
- An unpaired mouse centromere passes consistently through male meiosis and does not significantly compromise spermatogenesis. Mee, P.J., Shen, M.H., Smith, A.G., Brown, W.R. Chromosoma (2003)
- Projections from the cat posterior lateral hypothalamus to the ventral part of the oral pontine reticular nucleus contain a GABAergic component. De La Roza, C., Martínez-Mena, J., Sánchez-Valle, M.E., Reinoso-Suárez, F. Brain Res. (2004)
- The changes in the nervous structures under the chemical sympathectomy with guanethidine. Nozdrachev, A.D., Shilkin, V.V., Accuratov, E.G., Worobjeva, O.B., Obraschikova, M.N., Rumjanceva, T.A., Filimonov, V.J., Sabanov, V.S. J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. (1998)
- The mouse Spo11 gene is required for meiotic chromosome synapsis. Romanienko, P.J., Camerini-Otero, R.D. Mol. Cell (2000)
- Ionic inhibition of formation of RecA nucleoprotein networks blocks homologous pairing. Chow, S.A., Radding, C.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1985)
- EphB1 associates with Grb7 and regulates cell migration. Han, D.C., Shen, T.L., Miao, H., Wang, B., Guan, J.L. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Enhancement of recA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange activity by volume-occupying agents. Lavery, P.E., Kowalczykowski, S.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1992)
- Cation-regulated self-association of "synapsable" DNA duplexes. Fahlman, R.P., Sen, D. J. Mol. Biol. (1998)
- RecA homologs Dmc1 and Rad51 interact to form multiple nuclear complexes prior to meiotic chromosome synapsis. Bishop, D.K. Cell (1994)
- AtSPO11-1 is necessary for efficient meiotic recombination in plants. Grelon, M., Vezon, D., Gendrot, G., Pelletier, G. EMBO J. (2001)
- Meiotic segregation, synapsis, and recombination checkpoint functions require physical interaction between the chromosomal proteins Red1p and Hop1p. Woltering, D., Baumgartner, B., Bagchi, S., Larkin, B., Loidl, J., de los Santos, T., Hollingsworth, N.M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000)
- Yeast meiosis-specific protein Hop1 binds to G4 DNA and promotes its formation. Muniyappa, K., Anuradha, S., Byers, B. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000)
- MEI4, a meiosis-specific yeast gene required for chromosome synapsis. Menees, T.M., Ross-MacDonald, P.B., Roeder, G.S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1992)
- Synaptonemal complex proteins: occurrence, epitope mapping and chromosome disjunction. Dobson, M.J., Pearlman, R.E., Karaiskakis, A., Spyropoulos, B., Moens, P.B. J. Cell. Sci. (1994)
- Correlation between pairing initiation sites, recombination nodules and meiotic recombination in Sordaria macrospora. Zickler, D., Moreau, P.J., Huynh, A.D., Slezec, A.M. Genetics (1992)