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Transition Temperature

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Disease relevance of Transition Temperature


High impact information on Transition Temperature


Biological context of Transition Temperature


Anatomical context of Transition Temperature


Associations of Transition Temperature with chemical compounds


Gene context of Transition Temperature

  • In addition, SAA4 as well as the apolipoproteins broadened the range and increased the temperature of the gel-liquid crystal transition temperature of DMPC [26].
  • Nonlamellar lipids also increased the transition temperature of CYP1A2 in thermal unfolding and reduced the incubation time-dependent detachment of membrane-bound CYP1A2 from vesicles [27].
  • Thermal unfolding of PSP-I/PSP-II and aSFP were irreversible and followed a one-step process with transition temperatures (Tm) of 60.5 degrees C and 78.6 degrees C, respectively [28].
  • Arrhenius plots of the data revealed that AChE exhibits a biphasic Arrhenius plot with a distinct break (transition temperature) at about 15.2 kcal/mol [29].
  • FIS was found to exercise a direct positive transcriptional control at permissive temperature (37 degrees C), when H-NS fails to repress virF, as well as an indirect effect by partially counteracting H-NS inhibition at the transition temperature (32 degrees C) [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Transition Temperature


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