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Conditioning, Operant

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Psychiatry related information on Conditioning, Operant


High impact information on Conditioning, Operant


Chemical compound and disease context of Conditioning, Operant

  • These results suggest that neonatal ventral hippocampal lesions facilitate instrumental learning for both natural and drug rewards, and reduce inhibitory control over cocaine taking while promoting cocaine seeking and relapse after withdrawal [10].
  • Rats were trained to discriminate the effects of nicotine in a standard, two-bar operant conditioning procedure with food reinforcement [11].
  • In addition, rats that received saline immediately prior to repeated alcohol deprivation sessions self-administered ethanol at increasing levels that were above those achieved in the last operant-conditioning session prior to the initial 2-week deprivation period [12].
  • Male Fisher rats were trained under a 5-response, fixed-ratio schedule of stimulus-shock termination or a 10-response, fixed-ratio schedule of food-presentation to discriminate between d-amphetamine (1.0 mg/kg i.p.) and saline in a two-lever, operant conditioning procedure [13].
  • EEG operant conditioning in an alumina-gel monkey model (N = 14) to decrease EMG, to increase 9 Hz or decrease 9 Hz, and to increase 23 Hz (18 Hz and 26 Hz in 2 pilot monkeys), respectively, was not consistently beneficial in reducing seizures [14].

Biological context of Conditioning, Operant


Anatomical context of Conditioning, Operant


Gene context of Conditioning, Operant

  • To this end, male cannabinoid CB1 receptor deficient mice (CB1R-/-) and their wild-type littermate controls (CB1R+/+) were trained in an appetitively-motivated operant conditioning task, in which food-deprived animals received a food reward on nose-poking into an illuminated hole [24].
  • This difference in behavior is not explained by an anosmic condition as there were no differences between V1bR-/- and V1bR+/+ mice in their abilities to detect a cookie buried in clean bedding, or in their ability to perform in an operant conditioning task using a fully automated liquid dilution olfactometer [25].
  • A conceptual model of operant conditioning and the levels at which rutabaga and white influence conditioning is proposed [26].
  • These data provide novel evidence for NMDA receptor-dependent plasticity within corticostriatal networks in the acquisition of appetitive instrumental learning [27].
  • N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-dependent plasticity within a distributed corticostriatal network mediates appetitive instrumental learning [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Conditioning, Operant


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