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Chemical Compound Review

Isoamylazetat     3-methylbutyl ethanoate

Synonyms: Bananan Oil, Banana oil, pear essence, CHEMBL42013, NSC-9260, ...
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Disease relevance of isopentyl acetate

  • Enhanced isoamyl acetate production upon manipulation of the acetyl-CoA node in Escherichia coli [1].
  • Behavioral assays from three colonies each of Africanized and European bees showed that 3M2BA recruited worker bees from hives of both Africanized bees and European bees at least as efficiently as isopentyl acetate IPA, a compound widely reported to have the highest activity for releasing alarm and stinging behavior in honeybees [2].
  • The first-episode-psychosis patients had significantly higher sensitivity to isoamyl acetate and to androstenone, but the incidence of anosmia to androstenone was not higher in the first episode patient group as compared to the control group [3].

Psychiatry related information on isopentyl acetate


High impact information on isopentyl acetate

  • Dynamic blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI was applied at 7 T in the rat olfactory bulb (OB) with pulsed delivery of iso-amyl acetate (IAA) and limonene [6].
  • On an intrasubject basis, short IAA exposures of 0.6 min separated by 3.5-min intervals induced reproducible spatial activity patterns (SAPs) in the olfactory nerve layer, glomerular layer, and external plexiform layer [6].
  • In addition, the onset and recovery kinetics following isoamyl acetate stimulation are prolonged in the null mice [7].
  • In MDD patients, a significant increase in the sensitivity to isoamyl acetate was observed 6 weeks after initiation of treatment, compared to controls [5].
  • Analysis of the fermentation products confirmed that the expression levels of ATF1 and ATF2 greatly affect the production of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of isopentyl acetate


Biological context of isopentyl acetate


Anatomical context of isopentyl acetate


Associations of isopentyl acetate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of isopentyl acetate


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of isopentyl acetate

  • Isoamyl-acetate synthase was solubilized and extensively purified to apparent homogeneity by successive chromatographies on various columns [26].
  • The experimental paradigm involves subjects sniffing pairs of bottles, one containing an odorant (e.g. isoamyl acetate) dissolved in an odorless solvent (water or liquid silicone), the other containing just the solvent, while 19 channels of EEG are continuously recorded [27].
  • Atomic force microscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to characterize mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films before and after contact with a specific odorant molecule, isoamyl acetate [28].
  • In the aversive context of electrical stimulation, significant differences between isopentyl acetate and 2-heptanone were found [29].
  • The basic procedure consists of the collection of air samples using sampling cartridges containing XAD-2 resin, extraction of the resin with isoamyl acetate, and an analysis of the extract using gas chromatography with electron capture detection [30].


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