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Academic Medical Centers

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Disease relevance of Academic Medical Centers


Psychiatry related information on Academic Medical Centers


High impact information on Academic Medical Centers

  • DESIGN AND SETTING--Three hundred three patients, who were referred to two university medical centers because of the suspicion of MS, underwent MRI of the head and double-dose, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the head [9].
  • Twenty-one percent (20/97) of patients with an episode of major depressive disorder and no history of chronic minor depression who sought treatment at five university medical centers had not recovered after two years of prospective follow-up [10].
  • Two hundred twenty-four patients began methotrexate therapy during 1960 to 1965 at the Cleveland Clinic and at Duke University Medical Center. The incidence of malignant neoplasms and mortality has been studied in 205 of these 224 patients [11].
  • Health-care costs (in 1995 U.S. dollars) were computed over the duration of patient follow-up and were derived from actual costs in two centers, one at Henri Mondor Hospital (Paris, France) and the other at Stanford University Medical Center (Palo Alto, CA) [12].
  • SETTING: Referral to the Division of Nuclear Medicine at a tertiary-care university medical center [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Academic Medical Centers


Biological context of Academic Medical Centers

  • METHODS: High-resolution HLA-DR and DQ typing and anti-CCP-2 antibody testing were performed on 268 RA patients from the Early Arthritis Clinic cohort at the Department of Rheumatology of the Leiden University Medical Center. The presence of anti-CCP antibodies was analyzed in carriers of the different DR and DQ alleles [19].
  • All subjects invited to participate in this study were patients of the Geriatrics Division of the Department of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center. All study participants lived either in the community or in the independent-living sections of local retirement communities in and around Durham, NC [20].
  • STUDY OBJECTIVES: Sleep studies at Duke University Medical Center were retrospectively reviewed to investigate causes of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in our myotonic dystrophy1 (DM1) patient population, identified by an abnormal CTG expansion on chromosome 19 [21].
  • To expand and to evaluate better better the current knowledge in this matter, the outcomes of the pregnancies of exposed women registered in the Stilbestrol Clinic at the Stanford University Medical Center were examined [22].
  • BACKGROUND: We retrospectively reviewed all pediatric heart transplant recipients at Loma Linda University Medical Center between January 1990 and September 1993 to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methotrexate when it is used for the treatment of graft rejection [23].

Anatomical context of Academic Medical Centers


Associations of Academic Medical Centers with chemical compounds


Gene context of Academic Medical Centers


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Academic Medical Centers


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