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Urinary Retention

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Disease relevance of Urinary Retention


High impact information on Urinary Retention


Chemical compound and disease context of Urinary Retention


Biological context of Urinary Retention

  • When given intrathecally in increasing doses, both muscimol (1 to 10 micrograms) and baclofen (0.1 to 5 micrograms) produced a dose-dependent inhibition of micturition with progressive increases in bladder capacity and residual volume, and a decrease in micturition pressure ending with urinary retention and dribbling incontinence [15].
  • CONCLUSION: Glycine infusions might improve the contractile responses of bladder smooth muscle after acute urinary retention by reducing oxidative damage and apoptosis [16].
  • Although the effect of prostaglandin F2 alpha on bladder muscle contraction was short-lived, it seemed to enhance the restoration of bladder motor function with no serious side effects, and thus to be clinically useful in the treatment of post-operative urinary retention [17].
  • CONCLUSION: A single intraoperative dose of i.v. ketorolac appears to be opioid dose sharing, to provide superior analgesia, and to decrease the frequency of urinary retention during the first 12 hours of postoperative pediatric PCA with morphine [18].

Anatomical context of Urinary Retention


Gene context of Urinary Retention

  • A 71-year-old man experienced gradually progressive leg weakness, urinary retention, and mild loss of sensation in dermatomes T8 through T12 bilaterally [23].
  • We recently treated a number of patients with markedly elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels associated with acute urinary retention in a post-cardiac surgery setting [24].
  • Nerve sparing extravesical repair of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux: description of technique and evaluation of urinary retention [25].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Alpha-blocker therapy seems to be a viable alternative to biofeedback in dysfunctional voiding in children with urinary retention to improve bladder emptying [26].
  • Acute urinary retention associated with the use of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Urinary Retention


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