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Chemical Compound Review

ketorolac     5-(phenylcarbonyl)-2,3- dihydro-1H...

Synonyms: Ketoralac, Ketorolaco, Macril, Ketorolacum, rac-ketorolac, ...
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Disease relevance of ketorolac


Psychiatry related information on ketorolac

  • RESULTS: Pretreatment with ketorolac had a selective effect on the postburn injury hyperalgesia, reducing the increase in pain intensity (P<0.05) but not the decline in pain threshold [5].
  • RESULTS: For all treatment groups, there was no significant difference in extent or adequacy of sedation, incidence of oxygen desaturation, patient amnesia, time of procedure, or vital signs (except for a relative procedural tachycardia in the ketorolac and placebo groups as compared to baseline) [6].
  • No significant differences between eyes treated with ketorolac 0.4% and placebo were observed in patient cooperation, and ocular pain or discomfort during or immediately after surgery [7].
  • RESULTS: No significant decrease in corneal sensory thresholds was found with diclofenac or ketorolac compared with control at baseline (P = .50), 7 minutes (P = .41), or 15 minutes (P = .82) [8].
  • There was a significant difference between the groups in the average and daily pain rating, with the ketorolac therapy group reporting significantly less pain [9].

High impact information on ketorolac


Chemical compound and disease context of ketorolac


Biological context of ketorolac


Anatomical context of ketorolac


Associations of ketorolac with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ketorolac

  • RESULTS: Administration of SC-236 to cirrhotic animals did not produce significant renal effects, whereas administration of the nonselective COX-1/COX-2 inhibitor, ketorolac, resulted in a marked reduction in urine volume, urinary excretion of prostaglandins, and glomerular filtration rate and in a significant impairment in renal water metabolism [1].
  • These findings suggest that (R)- ketorolac may possess analgesic activity that is independent of COX inhibition and may be associated with reduced ulcerogenic potential compared to effects exhibited by (S)- ketorolac [32].
  • RESULT(S): Postoperative adhesion scores were significantly reduced in all groups of animals treated with IL-10 or ketorolac [33].
  • To extend these observations, we examined the (R)- and (S)- enantiomers of RS- ketorolac, (S)- ketorolac exhibited potent COX1 and COX2 enzyme inhibition, whereas (R)- ketorolac was > 100-fold less active on both COX subtypes [32].
  • A series of studies is reviewed that assesses the relationship between cytokines released at the site of tissue injury and NSAID analgesia, and the in vivo selectivity of a selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) in comparison to a dual COX-1/COX-2 inhibitor (ketorolac) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ketorolac

  • Analgesia after intravenous ketorolac developed more slowly but was sustained better than morphine [35].
  • In this randomized, double-blind study, 26 volunteers received ketorolac, 30 mg intramuscularly four times a day for 5 days, and placebo, two capsules orally four times a day for at the last 2 study days [20].
  • METHODS: Based on a crossover study in 12 healthy volunteers, the extent and rate of absorption of ketorolac, delivered by a patch, were found by estimating the input rate function of the drug [21].
  • Ninety-two children from 3 to 12 years of age were given intravenous morphine or ketorolac by titration, or ketorolac by bolus injection for moderate or severe postsurgical pain in a double-blind randomized parallel-group study [35].
  • NSAIDs for the chemoprevention of oral cancer: promise or pessimism?: Commentary re J. L. Mulshine et al., randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase IIB trial of the cyclooxygenase inhibitor ketorolac as an oral rinse in oropharyngeal leukoplakia. Clin. Cancer Res., 10: 1565-1573, 2004 [36].


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