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Chemical Compound Review

p-ABA     4-aminobenzenecarboximidamide

Synonyms: Lopac-A-7148, CHEMBL124632, SureCN150756, CHEBI:308520, CCG-204165, ...
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Disease relevance of p-Aminobenzamidine


High impact information on p-Aminobenzamidine

  • Plasmin-treated F.IX did not bind the active site probe, p-aminobenzamidine, or form an SDS-stable complex with antithrombin [5].
  • Furthermore, HNE-treated F.IX was unable to (1) bind the active site probe p-aminobenzamidine; (2) hydrolyze the synthetic peptide substrate CH3SO2-Leu-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilide; and (3) activate human factor X (F.X) [6].
  • However, aberrant binding of the active site probe p-aminobenzamidine was observed for factor XIa-activated factor IXG207E, indicating that the active site pocket of the heavy chain of factor IXaG207E was abnormal [7].
  • We used a mutated form of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 to conform a correlation between the inactivation of uPA and tumor size; we have compared these results with the action of p-aminobenzamidine and amiloride, known inhibitors of uPA [8].
  • The ligand-receptor interaction involves the catalytic site of UK, since the binding was completely impaired by preincubation of UK:ferritin with p-aminobenzamidine, a competitive inhibitor of the catalytic site of UK [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of p-Aminobenzamidine


Biological context of p-Aminobenzamidine


Anatomical context of p-Aminobenzamidine


Associations of p-Aminobenzamidine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of p-Aminobenzamidine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of p-Aminobenzamidine


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