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Chemical Compound Review

CHLOROBIPHENYL     1-chloro-2-phenyl-benzene

Synonyms: Chlorodiphenyl, Chlorodwufenol, Arochlor-1254, PCB 1, AROCLOR 1232, ...
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Disease relevance of Monochlorobiphenyl

  • We report that chlorobiphenyl vancomycin analogues that are incapable of binding substrates nevertheless inhibit E. coli PBP1b, which shows that these compounds interact directly with the enzyme [1].
  • None of the compounds was mutagenic in the Ames assay with Salmonella typhimurium TA-98 and TA-100 strains, either in the absence or in the presence of the S-9 liver fraction from Arochlor 1254 treated rats [2].
  • These bacteria have the potential to interact metabolically because Pseudomonas sp. B13(FR1) can metabolize chlorobenzoate produced by Burkholderia sp. LB400 when grown on chlorobiphenyl [3].
  • These experiments were conducted with a 10-microm marine scuticociliate (Uronema sp.), bacterial prey (Halomonas halodurans), and a suite of 21 CB congeners spanning a range of aqueous solubilities [4].
  • This work provides proof of concept that a Rhodococcus strain constructed to grow on a PCB would grow in nonsterile soil if the appropriate chlorobiphenyl is available [5].

High impact information on Monochlorobiphenyl


Chemical compound and disease context of Monochlorobiphenyl


Biological context of Monochlorobiphenyl

  • Twenty-four chlorobiphenyl congeners have been measured along a pollution gradient both in sponges and seawater [11].
  • A liver homogenate (S9) prepared from Arochlor 1254 induced male Sprague-Dawley rats was employed to mediate the biotransformation of the promutagen [12].
  • The highest Arochlor 1254 concentration that did not cause observed effects (NOEC) on cell growth was 100 (48 h) and 25 ppb (96 h) [13].
  • The susceptibility of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum to Arochlor 1254, a commercial mixture of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners was examined through toxicity bioassays based on cell survival and measures of oxidative balance and adaptive response to PCB stress [13].
  • Detection of by-side CBs in technical Halowaxes demonstrate clearly that those formulations apart from a massive introduction of dioxin-like CNs become in the past also an early source of environmental pollution with CBs, which proceeded for around 20-30 years use of original CB formulations [14].

Anatomical context of Monochlorobiphenyl

  • PC12 cells were incubated with hydroxylated PCB (4(OH)-2',3,3',4',5'-penta chlorobiphenyl, OH-PCB) at a final concentration from 10(-8) to 10(-5)M [15].
  • A fingerprint of chlorobiphenyl composition in the samples examined was virtually the same for human adipose tissue taken in 1990 from the coastal city of Gdańsk and in 1979 from the inland province of Skierniewice, in spite of geographic variations and sampling intervals [16].

Associations of Monochlorobiphenyl with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Monochlorobiphenyl

  • These data indicate that regular meals of lower trophic level fish, such as whitefish from the Great Lakes, may distort steady-state human chlorobiphenyl profiles with respect to certain lightly chlorinated or labile chlorobiphenyls [22].
  • It was also shown that when dextran solution or dextran solution with addition of Intralipid to the same concentration as the total lipid concentration in blood, were used as perfusion medium, there was no placental transport of the chlorobiphenyl [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Monochlorobiphenyl

  • Clean-up and separation of chlorobiphenyl isomers after synthesis by Cadogan coupling using preparative high-performance liquid chromatography [24].
  • In rat pretreated with Arochlor 1254, Vmax was 52 pmol/min/mg protein, whereas oral administration of ABZ increased the intestinal sulphoxidation of the drug, Vmax being 103 pmol/min/mg protein [25].
  • Furthermore, it was shown that the placental transport of the chlorobiphenyl was strongly dependent on the albumin concentration, but independent of the gamma-globulin concentration in the perfusion medium [23].
  • Bromo and chlorobiphenyl metabolism: gas chromatography mass spectrometric identification of urinary metabolites and the effects of structure on their rates of excretion [26].


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