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Chemical Compound Review

Pillaron     (amino-methylsulfanyl- phosphoryl)oxymethane

Synonyms: Tahmabon, Filitox, Hamidop, MONITOR, Patrole, ...
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Disease relevance of MONITOR


Psychiatry related information on MONITOR


High impact information on MONITOR

  • Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase with methamidophos also enhanced transmission, demonstrating a similar effect of endogenous acetylcholine. nAChR activation also enhanced transmission by dorsal root entry zone stimulation, suggesting that alpha7 nAChRs on the central terminals of DRG afferents mediate this effect [9].
  • Here we describe experiments which allowed to resolve some of the less well understood reaction pathways of phosphylation and "aging" of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) involving phosphoroamidates (P-N agents) such as tabun or the widely used pesticide methamidophos [10].
  • Reactions of the N- and O-methyl derivatives of MeO(MeS)P(O)NHOH and (MeO)2P(O)NHOH are consistent with proposed mechanisms A and B. N-Hydroxymethamidophos is less potent than methamidophos as an AChE inhibitor and toxicant possibly associated with its rapid hydrolysis [11].
  • We show in the present investigation that a carboxyamidase activates acephate in mice and in turn undergoes inhibition by the hydrolysis product, i.e., methamidophos; thus, the bioactivation is started but immediately turned off [1].
  • The bone marrow transplantation survivors demonstrated more denial and avoidance and fewer arousal symptoms than has been noted in children traumatized by a violent life threat, such as a sniper attack [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of MONITOR


Biological context of MONITOR

  • For methamidophos, we show that phosphylation of AChE involves elimination of the thiomethyl moiety and that the spontaneous reactivation of the resulting organophosphate adduct generates the phosphorus free AChE active site Ser-peptide [10].
  • The rate of phosphorylation of insect and rat AChE was similar in the presence of methamidophos [15].
  • The inhibition potency [as measured by Ki and the concentration required to cause 50% inhibition in AChE or ChE activity (IC50 values)] of methamidophos, but not of acephate, increased by lengthening the enzyme-inhibitor incubation time [16].
  • An extensive QSAR study may help in determining the mode of action of Met in vivo and in vitro and provide a rational for its high insecticidal toxicity [17].
  • The calculated, acute oral LD50 of acephate and methamidophos to dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) was 106 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg, respectively [18].

Anatomical context of MONITOR


Associations of MONITOR with other chemical compounds


Gene context of MONITOR

  • In addition, the CFU (colony-forming unit) numbers of methamidophos metabolized bacteria in CS2 and CS3 also increased significantly by 86.1% and 188.9% compared with that of CS1 [26].
  • In vitro and in vivo assessment of the effect of impurities and chirality on methamidophos-induced neuropathy target esterase aging [27].
  • Moreover, the levels of NTE inhibited by methamidophos which can be promoted to neuropathy are lower than those required for classic protective chemicals and higher than those of classic neuropathic OPs [28].
  • Genetically modified acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Drosophila melanogaster (dm) and from commercial sources, Electric eel (ee), Bovine erythrocites (be) and Human erythrocites (he), were investigated as biological receptors for the detection of methamidophos pesticide based on inhibition studies [29].
  • Most engineered variant of AChE from dm showed enhanced sensitivity toward methamidophos pesticide [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MONITOR


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  19. Methamidophos transiently inhibits neuronal nicotinic receptors of rat substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons via open channel block. Di Angelantonio, S., Bernardi, G., Mercuri, N.B. Neurosci. Lett. (2004) [Pubmed]
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