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Chemical Compound Review

JH-III     methyl(2E,6E)-9-[(2R)-3,3- dimethyloxiran...

Synonyms: AC1NQYKV, CPD-8838, JH III, J2000_SIGMA, ZINC13536517, ...
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Disease relevance of JH III

  • Recombinant hJHBP1 expressed in E. coli migrated on SDS-PAGE with a Mr of 32 kDa and showed a Kd of 4.5 x 10-7 M with JH III, both similar to those of native hJHBP [1].
  • Maximum IGR activity was exhibited by 4'-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen- -yl)-3'-buten-2'(E)-ketoxime-N-O-alkyl ether with an ED50 (morphological) of 40 microg g(-1) body weight, compared to 20 microg g(-1) of JH III [2].

Psychiatry related information on JH III

  • The critical period for caste determination and its juvenile hormone (JH III) correlates were studied in Bombus terrestris [3].

High impact information on JH III


Biological context of JH III

  • Development and reproduction of crustaceans is regulated by a combination of neuropeptide hormones, ecdysteroids (moulting hormones) and the isoprenoid, methyl farnesoate (MF), the unepoxidised analogue of insect juvenile hormone-III (JH-III) [9].
  • We have re-examined sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis throughout embryonic development and have found that early embryos produce both methyl farnesoate (MF) and JH III; as development proceeds, less MF and more JH is produced [10].
  • JH III had the highest affinity for binding sites, followed by JH I and JH 0 [11].
  • We have studied the effect of JH III upon vitellogenin gene expression in periovaric fat bodies incubated in vitro [12].
  • Vitellogenesis is characterized by an increase in the size of the corpora allata (CA) where structured SER bodies appear, and by a rise of juvenile hormone (JH III) content in the hemolymph which is followed by an increase in the level of ecdysteroids [13].

Anatomical context of JH III


Associations of JH III with other chemical compounds


Gene context of JH III

  • Because of reports of juvenile hormone (JH III) binding to Drosophila USP and the observed in silico RXR-like ligand-binding site in LmRXR-L, the recombinant proteins were also tested for binding to JH III [22].
  • The same DR12 element conferred enhanced transcriptional responsiveness of a transfected juvenile hormone esterase core promoter to treatment of transfected cells with JH III, but not to treatment with retinoic acid or T3 [23].
  • The JH III and JHB3 precursor, methyl farnesoate, did not affect ecdysteroid production [24].
  • After incubation with JH III bisepoxide, all cell fractions and cEH produced epoxy-diol, cis- and trans-tetrahydrofuran-diols, and tetraol as metabolites [25].
  • JH III was metabolized faster than JH III bisepoxide by epoxide hydrolase activity in D. melanogaster cell fractions and by cEH [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of JH III


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  2. Evaluation of substituted oxime ethers for growth regulatory activity against Spodoptera litura (F.). Izadi, H., Subrahmanyam, B. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  4. Posttranscriptional control of the competence factor betaFTZ-F1 by juvenile hormone in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Zhu, J., Chen, L., Raikhel, A.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  8. Juvenile hormone regulation of HMG-R gene expression in the bark beetle Ips paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): implications for male aggregation pheromone biosynthesis. Tittiger, C., Blomquist, G.J., Ivarsson, P., Borgeson, C.E., Seybold, S.J. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (1999) [Pubmed]
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