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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

JH-III     methyl(2E,6E)-9-(3,3- dimethyloxiran-2-yl)...

Synonyms: AC1NSPFY, NSC-688246, MEGxp0_001814, AC1Q5YYM, NSC688246, ...
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High impact information on juvenile hormone III


Biological context of juvenile hormone III

  • This has led to the identification of endothelial cells in the anterior midgut as the site of synthesis and to the concept that de novo pheromone biosynthesis is regulated in part by the positive effect of juvenile hormone III (JHIII) on gene expression for HMG-R [5].
  • As the mevalonate pathway and its regulation have been studied in few other insects, broader issues addressed through the study of scolytid pheromone biosynthesis include major step versus coordinate regulation of the pathway and a genomics approach to elucidating the entire pathway and the mode of action of JHIII [5].
  • Juvenile hormone III binding sites were located in the nuclear, microsomal and post-microsomal supernatant fractions of the follicle cells of Tenebrio molitor [6].
  • Although both methyl farnesoate (MF) and juvenile hormone III also caused up-regulation of the CfVg gene, their effects are only significant at much higher concentrations [7].
  • Synthesis of both optical isomers of insect juvenile hormone III and their affinity for the juvenile hormone-specific binding protein of Manduca sexta [8].

Anatomical context of juvenile hormone III


Associations of juvenile hormone III with other chemical compounds


Gene context of juvenile hormone III


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of juvenile hormone III

  • Juvenile hormone III could not be excluded as a product of the corpora allata owing to the low cross reactivity of this homolog (1.7%) in the radioimmunoassay [23].
  • Application of JHIII to the surface of both prothoracic hemiganglia, accompanied by microinjection of emetine into one hemiganglion resulted in the female emetine into one hemiganglion resulted in the female circling phonotactically toward the side receiving emetine injection, with a 25 to 35 dB drop in threshold (Fig. 6) [24].
  • The results of HPLC analysis indicated the presence of juvenile hormone III together with juvenile hormones I and II in parasitized eggs, but only juvenile hormones I and II in nonparasitized eggs [25].
  • We have compared gene expression, using the Differential Display Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRT-PCR) technique, by means of mRNA profile in Melipona scutellaris during ontogenetic postembryonic development, in adult worker, and in both Natural and Juvenile Hormone III-induced adult queen [26].


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