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Gene Review

Aprt  -  adenine phosphoribosyl transferase

Mus musculus

Synonyms: APRT, Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, C85684
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Disease relevance of Aprt


Psychiatry related information on Aprt

  • In contrast, we found neither any self-injurious behavior (SIB), such as visible injury or hair loss, nor any apparent decrease in APRT activity in HPRT-deficient mice treated with 9-EA [6].

High impact information on Aprt

  • Mouse aprt- cells were transformed to the aprt+ phenotype with the product of ligation of Hind III-cleaved hamster genomic DNA and pBR322 DNA [7].
  • In this manner, the aprt gene was linked to a marked plasmid sequence and segregated from other hamster sequences [7].
  • A lambda-recombinant phage containing pBR322 DNA sequences was isolated from a library of aprt+ transformed cell DNA [7].
  • Furthermore, sequences homologous to this clone are present in all hamster aprt+ transformants examined [7].
  • Here we report the fate in mice of an in vitro-methylated adenine phosphoribosyltransferase transgene [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Aprt


Biological context of Aprt


Anatomical context of Aprt

  • To determine the types of mutations that can occur within an endogenous gene lacking highly susceptible repeat sequences, we examined mutagenic events at the 2.3 kb mouse Aprt gene in kidney cell lines derived from mice deficient for the PMS2 and MLH1 mismatch repair proteins [15].
  • The Aprt mutation rate was increased 33-fold and 3.6-20-fold for Mlh1 and Pms2 null cell lines, respectively, when compared with a wild-type kidney cell line [15].
  • We report the identification of a mouse kidney epithelial cell line (K435) in which G:C-->C:G transversion mutations occur at an elevated rate and are the predominant spontaneous events observed at the selectable Aprt locus [16].
  • Red blood cells of HPRT A and B mice have similar levels of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity (APRT; EC and reticulocyte percentages, which suggests that the elevated levels of HPRT in erythrocytes of HPRT A mice are not secondary consequences of abnormal erythroid cell development [17].
  • Leishmania donovani singly deficient in HGPRT, APRT or XPRT are viable in vitro and within mammalian macrophages [18].

Associations of Aprt with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Aprt

  • Therefore, the Sp1 binding sites comprising the mouse aprt promoter have evolved two distinct functions, one to promote transcription and the other to block epigenetic inactivation [21].

Regulatory relationships of Aprt


Other interactions of Aprt


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Aprt


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