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Chemical Compound Review

BIC3480     sodium 3-[[[4-[(Z)-[4-[(4...

Synonyms: AC1O3HAD, Acid Blue 90, FT-0623195, I14-19325, 6104-58-1, ...
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Disease relevance of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G


High impact information on Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G

  • PAGE in the presence of 0.1% SDS demonstrates that striated flagellar roots are composed of a number of polypeptides, the most predominant one being a protein of 20,000 Mr. The 20,000 Mr protein band represents approximately 63% of the Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining of gels of isolated flagellar roots [6].
  • A silver/Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 staining technique that permits a color-coded differentiation of erythrocyte membrane proteins, sialoglycoproteins, and lipids in a single one-dimensional NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel has been described [7].
  • Polypeptides unique to the olfactory cilia preparation, compared to a control preparation of palate respiratory cilia, are identified by Coomassie brilliant blue staining, silver staining, and radiolabeled lectin overlays, as well as by biosynthetic labeling with 35S-methionine in epithelial explants and protein phosphorylation in isolated cilia [8].
  • The activator protein, exhaustively purified and designated as activator II in this study, showed a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-, native-, and isoelectrofocussing-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis after being stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Its molecular weight and pI were 69,200 and 4.0, respectively [9].
  • The strong staining of the TLX antigens with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Amido Black indicates they are largely proteins [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G


Biological context of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G

  • Induction of the lambda OLPL promoter caused the appearance of L-fucose-H+ symport activity and of a Coomassie brilliant blue-stained 32 kDa membrane protein expressed at high levels sufficient for identification as FucP by N-terminal protein sequencing [14].
  • Reverse sister chromatid differential staining by Coomassie Brilliant blue R-250 [15].
  • After the protein spots had been electroblotted onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, the N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined for about twenty protein spots [16].
  • The comparison between such maps showed up- and downregulation of 45 polypeptide chains, of which 32 were downregulated and 13 upregulated, out of a total of 700 spots detected by a medium-sensitivity stain, micellar Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Fingerprinting by mass spectrometry analysis enabled the identification of 36 of these spots [17].
  • Enzymic deglycosylation of several chromatographic fractions of ribonuclease, which have different degrees of glycosylation, results in increased staining by Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 [18].

Anatomical context of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G


Associations of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G

  • The slower moving band, which probably corresponded to the higher polymeric form of the G6PD with high specific activity, was not seen on native PAGE due to insufficient protein for Coomassie brilliant blue staining [29].
  • When normal human serum and properdin were allowed to diffuse toward each other in agar gel for 16 hr, a line of precipitation could be seen when stained with Coomassie brilliant blue [30].
  • In the SDS-PAGE, one major band with a molecular weight of 56,000 and one minor band with 15,000 were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and both showed DIF activity after extraction from gels [31].
  • KN-62 inhibited an increase in calcium entry induced by 4AP, while brilliant blue G (BBG) prevented it, supporting the hypothesis that purinergic P2X7 receptors are involved in this action [32].
  • The matrix metalloproteinase MMP13, a secretory protein, was expressed in MDCK cells at a level high enough to be detectable in crude supernatants without concentration on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Eriosin Brilliant Cyanine G


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