MeSH Review:
- Editorial: Progressive rubella encephalitis. Johnson, R.T. N. Engl. J. Med. (1975)
- Infection, thyroid disease, and autoimmunity. Tomer, Y., Davies, T.F. Endocr. Rev. (1993)
- Antibody response following measles-mumps-rubella vaccine under conditions of customary use. Brunell, P.A., Weigle, K., Murphy, M.D., Shehab, Z., Cobb, E. JAMA (1983)
- Adverse events associated with childhood vaccines other than pertussis and rubella. Summary of a report from the Institute of Medicine. Stratton, K.R., Howe, C.J., Johnston, R.B. JAMA (1994)
- Risk of chronic arthropathy among women after rubella vaccination. Vaccine Safety Datalink Team. Ray, P., Black, S., Shinefield, H., Dillon, A., Schwalbe, J., Holmes, S., Hadler, S., Chen, R., Cochi, S., Wassilak, S. JAMA (1997)
- Intrauterine rubella, head size, and intellect. Macfarlane, D.W., Boyd, R.D., Dodrill, C.B., Tufts, E. Pediatrics (1975)
- Persistent rubella virus infection associated with chronic arthritis in children. Chantler, J.K., Tingle, A.J., Petty, R.E. N. Engl. J. Med. (1985)
- Letter: Congenital rubella and autistic behavior. Swisher, C.N., Swisher, L. N. Engl. J. Med. (1975)
- JAMA patient page. Rubella. Stevens, L.M. JAMA (2002)
- The rubella virus E1 glycoprotein is arrested in a novel post-ER, pre-Golgi compartment. Hobman, T.C., Woodward, L., Farquhar, M.G. J. Cell Biol. (1992)
- Congenital rubella syndrome as a model for type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: increased prevalence of islet cell surface antibodies. Ginsberg-Fellner, F., Witt, M.E., Yagihashi, S., Dobersen, M.J., Taub, F., Fedun, B., McEvoy, R.C., Roman, S.H., Davies, R.G., Cooper, L.Z. Diabetologia (1984)
- Cross-reactive rubella virus and glutamic acid decarboxylase (65 and 67) protein determinants recognised by T cells of patients with type I diabetes mellitus. Ou, D., Mitchell, L.A., Metzger, D.L., Gillam, S., Tingle, A.J. Diabetologia (2000)
- Future applications of oral fluid specimen technology. George, J.R., Fitchen, J.H. Am. J. Med. (1997)
- A single-amino-acid substitution of a tyrosine residue in the rubella virus E1 cytoplasmic domain blocks virus release. Yao, J., Gillam, S. J. Virol. (2000)
- Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study on adverse effects of rubella immunisation in seronegative women. Tingle, A.J., Mitchell, L.A., Grace, M., Middleton, P., Mathias, R., MacWilliam, L., Chalmers, A. Lancet (1997)
- IgM serology for rubella and human parvovirus B19. Cohen, B.J., Supran, E.M. Lancet (1987)
- Identification of calreticulin as a rubella virus RNA binding protein. Singh, N.K., Atreya, C.D., Nakhasi, H.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994)
- Calreticulin binds hYRNA and the 52-kDa polypeptide component of the Ro/SS-A ribonucleoprotein autoantigen. Cheng, S.T., Nguyen, T.Q., Yang, Y.S., Capra, J.D., Sontheimer, R.D. J. Immunol. (1996)
- Monoclonal antibody to rubella virus capsid protein recognizes a beta-cell antigen. Karounos, D.G., Wolinsky, J.S., Thomas, J.W. J. Immunol. (1993)
- Hyporesponsiveness of lymphocytes to virus antigens in rheumatoid arthritis. Wolf, R.E. Arthritis Rheum. (1978)
- Translocation of rubella virus glycoprotein E1 into the endoplasmic reticulum. Hobman, T.C., Shukin, R., Gillam, S. J. Virol. (1988)
- Hemadsorption immunosorbent technique for determination of rubella immunoglobulin M antibody. van der Logt, J.T., van Loon, A.M., van der Veen, J. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1981)
- Circulating immune complexes containing rubella antigens in late-onset rubella syndrome. Tardieu, M., Grospierre, B., Durandy, A., GAriscelli, C. J. Pediatr. (1980)
- Expression of IL-2 receptor/p75 on lymphocytes from patients with rubella. Komada, Y., Oitani, K., Zhou, Y.W., Zhang, S.L., Sakurai, M. Acta paediatrica Japonica; Overseas edition. (1992)
- Multiple sclerosis immune complexes: an analysis of component antigens and antibodies. Coyle, P.K., Procyk-Dougherty, Z. Ann. Neurol. (1984)
- Selective tolerance to the E1 protein of rubella virus in congenital rubella syndrome. Mauracher, C.A., Mitchell, L.A., Tingle, A.J. J. Immunol. (1993)
- Virus-specific and autoreactive T cell lines isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with chronic rubella panencephalitis. Martin, R., Marquardt, P., O'Shea, S., Borkenstein, M., Kreth, H.W. J. Neuroimmunol. (1989)
- Evaluation of commercially available diagnostic test kits for rubella. Castellano, G.A., Madden, D.L., Hazzard, G.T., Cleghorn, C.S., Vails, D.V., Ley, A.C., Tzan, N.R., Sever, J.L. J. Infect. Dis. (1981)
- Detection of rubella virus-specific immunoglobulin G in saliva by an amplification-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibody to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Vyse, A.J., Brown, D.W., Cohen, B.J., Samuel, R., Nokes, D.J. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1999)
- Comparison of a new, rapid enzyme immunoassay with a latex agglutination test for qualitative detection of rubella antibodies. Ferraro, M.J., Kallas, W.M., Welch, K.P., Lau, A.Y. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1987)
- Comparison of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining for identification of rubella virus isolates. Schmidt, N.J., Dennis, J., Lennette, E.H. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1978)