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Gene Review

CDC42EP2  -  CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BORG1, Binder of Rho GTPases 1, CEP2, Cdc42 effector protein 2
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Disease relevance of CDC42EP2

  • The perception of dyspnea was scored on the Borg scale during breathing through inspiratory resistances ranging from 0 to 30.9 cm of water per liter per second [1].
  • Chemosensitivity to hypoxia, but not that in response to hypercapnia, was lower in patients than in controls (0.196 [SE 0.030] vs 0.525 [0.360]; p=0.012); the mean Borg score was lower in patients than in controls under hypoxic conditions (2.9 [SD 1.4] vs 4.8 [2.1]; p=0.0015) [2].
  • We assessed chemosensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia and perception of dyspnoea on the Borg scale in 25 patients (Hoehn and Yahr stage 2-3) and 11 controls [2].
  • Subjects then rated the intensity of leg effort, discomfort with breathing (dyspnea), and chest pain (Borg scale) during an incremental exercise task (100 kpm/min each minute) to capacity on a cycle ergometer [3].
  • One strain of Chlamydia psittaci (Borg) was not amplified [4].

Psychiatry related information on CDC42EP2

  • The only beneficial differences were observed in the Borg dyspnea rating, which dropped from 6 to 5 (p < 0.039), and in one of the neuropsychological tests (psychomotor coordination) for the NPPV group at 6 months [5].
  • Every 10 min during exercise the subjects rated their perceived exertion and mental fatigue on two different Borg scales [6].
  • Breathlessness perception was assessed with the Borg scale and alexithymia with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) [7].
  • The object of this investigation was to establish a group-normalized perceptual response, using the Borg 15-category rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, that is consistent with the Surgeon General's recommendations for physical activity intensity [8].
  • However, ratings of perceived exertion (Borg scale) increased significantly throughout sleep deprivation [9].

High impact information on CDC42EP2

  • Borg proteins control septin organization and are negatively regulated by Cdc42 [10].
  • Patients given bosentan had a reduced Borg dyspnoea index and an improved WHO functional class [11].
  • Respiratory gas analysis, Borg scale recordings of perceived dyspnea and near infrared spectroscopy of an accessory respiratory muscle were obtained during exercise [12].
  • Six-minute walk distance (n = 27; baseline, 438 +/- 16 m; Week 12, 439 +/- 16 m), Naughton-Balke treadmill test time (n = 26; baseline, 582 +/- 50 s; Week 12, 622 +/- 48 s), functional class, and Borg score were maintained with intravenous treprostinil at Week 12 versus intravenous epoprostenol before transition [13].
  • Within the 15-minutes postgas inhalation period, methacholine-induced symptoms of difficult breathing, chest tightness, and breathlessness, measured using modified Borg scales, were 25-30% lower after hypoxia compared with normoxia but were not reduced after hypercapnia [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of CDC42EP2

  • Borg Dyspnea Scores and Dyspnea-Fatigue Ratings improved in the epoprostenol group [15].
  • Secondary end points included exercise capacity assessed by 6-min walk test and peak VO(2), Borg dyspnea score, hemodynamics, symptoms of PAH, and quality of life [16].
  • Ten subjects of the NF group and 13 of the C group had a methacholine challenge with scoring of dyspnea on a modified Borg scale [17].
  • Albuterol produced a decrease in dyspnea (5 +/- 2 to 4 +/- 2 [SD] Borg units, p < 0.01), and increases in maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure (92.4 +/- 37.2 to 102.8 +/- 37.2 cm H(2)O, p < 0.03) and potentiated twitch transdiaphragmatic pressures (21.6 +/- 7.1 to 25.2 +/- 7.6 cm H(2)O, p < 0.02) [18].
  • After receiving IB, exercise endurance time (Tlim) increased by 32 +/- 9% (p < 0.001) and slopes of Borg dyspnea ratings over time decreased by 11 +/- 6% (p < 0.05) [19].

Biological context of CDC42EP2

  • Oxygen saturation (SaO2), pulse rate, and the degree of dyspnea (Borg scale) were determined before and at the end of the walk [20].
  • METHODS: Breathlessness was rated after each inhalation by using the Borg scale [21].
  • Highly reproducible measurements included: endurance time (intraclass correlation R = 0.77, p < 0.0001); Borg ratings and IC at rest, at a standardized exercise time (STD), and at peak exercise (R > 0.6, p < 0.0001); and slopes of Borg ratings over time, oxygen consumption (V O2), and ventilation (R > 0.6, p < 0.0001) [22].
  • Endurance time (T(lim)), dyspnea intensity (Borg Scale), ventilation (V E), breathing pattern, dynamic inspiratory capacity (IC(dyn)), and gas exchange were compared [23].
  • METHODS: Seventy eight asthmatic subjects referred for a histamine challenge test undertook baseline measures for anxiety symptomatology and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) followed by perceived breathlessness (Borg scale), anxiety (SUDS), and FEV1 measurement before and during induced bronchoconstriction [24].

Anatomical context of CDC42EP2

  • The magnitude of change in the Borg/FEV(1) slope did not differ significantly between treatment groups and was not related to changes in baseline FEV(1), airway hyperresponsiveness, blood eosinophils, or serum eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) [25].
  • There were also significant improvements in the secondary end points of Naughton-Balke treadmill time (p = 0.007), Borg dyspnea score (p = 0.008), and hemodynamics (mean pulmonary artery pressure, p = 0.03; cardiac index, p = 0.002; pulmonary vascular resistance, p = 0.001) at week 12 compared with baseline [26].
  • SGRQ-HK scores positively correlated with Borg scale scores, exacerbation frequency, and 24-h sputum volumes (p < 0.03) [27].
  • During the last 20 s of each minute, VO2, ratings of quadriceps muscle pain intensity, and ratings of perceived exertion (Borg 6-20) were obtained [28].
  • Ten young healthy men were investigated at baseline, during moderate cycle exercise (heart rate: 140, Borg scale: 14-15), and in the recovery with BNP and NT-proBNP measured from the brachial artery and the jugular and renal veins, and the renal and cerebral extraction ratios (Ext-Ren and Ext-Cer, respectively) were calculated [29].

Associations of CDC42EP2 with chemical compounds

  • CONCLUSION: This study provides reference Borg values during methacholine challenge for 175 community adolescents [21].
  • During O(2), T(lim) increased 4.7 +/- 1.4 min (p < 0.001); slopes of Borg, V E, V CO(2), and lactate over time fell (p < 0.05); slopes of Borg-V E, V E-V CO(2), V E-lactate were unchanged [23].
  • With 60% O2, the mean of individual Borg/time slopes fell significantly (p < 0.05) by 23 +/- 12% and was associated with a 35 +/- 11% increase (p < 0.01) in endurance time (r = -0.64, p < 0.05) [30].
  • Borg scores were recorded during histamine challenges performed at baseline and at 8, 16, 24, 48, and 72 wk [25].
  • Patients reported a significantly lower Borg score for perceived exertion following the six minute walk after chronic treatment with salmeterol compared with placebo [31].

Physical interactions of CDC42EP2

  • The Borg (binder of Rho GTPases) family proteins interact with CDC42 and TC10 in a guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-dependent manner [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CDC42EP2

  • Each performance measure consisted of 3 domains: time, pain (visual analog scale), and exertion (Borg scale) [33].
  • The symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue during the exercise test were assessed using a modified Borg scale from 0 to 10 [34].
  • Near-infrared spectroscopy of an accessory respiratory muscle, Borg scale recordings of perceived dyspnea, time in inspiration, time per breath and minute ventilation were measured [35].
  • At presentation and after each treatment, patients completed spirometry, rated overall dyspnea intensity on a modified Borg scale, and selected phrases that described qualities of breathlessness from a 15-item questionnaire [36].
  • In 13 COPD patients (mean age 65.1 +/- 2.0, FEV1 1.20 +/- 0.17, FEV1/FVC 40 +/- 3) we measured pulmonary function tests, exercise breathlessness by Borg score, and exercise flow volume and pressure volume loops on two separate days [37].


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