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Renal Veins

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Disease relevance of Renal Veins

  • Thrombosis of the renal veins and vena cava. Occurrence in morbid obesity [1].
  • The diagnostic usefulness of the timed intravenous pyelogram (IVP), isotopic renal flow study (renal flow), stimulated plasma renin activity (SPRA), saralasin infusion test, and renal vein renins (RVR) in detecting possible renal vascular hypertension was studied in relation to age [2].
  • Inactive renin seems likely to be a form in which the enzyme is secreted since in a patient with renal-artery stenosis its concentration was greater in the renal-vein blood coming from the affected kidney [3].
  • In 32 patients P-113 infusion reversibly reduced blood pressure, and almost all of these "P-113 responders" had elevated renal vein and/or peripheral PRA levels, together with evidence of renal ischemia [4].
  • Hypotension increased the renal vein plasma concentrations of norepinephrine from 380 +/- 59 to 608 +/- 106 pg/ml (mean +/- SEM; P less than 0.01) and of PGE2 from 55 +/- 7 to 81 +/- 41 pg/ml (P less than 0.05) [5].

High impact information on Renal Veins


Chemical compound and disease context of Renal Veins


Biological context of Renal Veins


Anatomical context of Renal Veins


Associations of Renal Veins with chemical compounds

  • Performed with a serum potassium measurement, this now reliable test is useful for primary screening and then, in conjunction with renal vein renin studies or an aldosterone profile, for diagnosis or exclusion of surgically curable renovascular or adrenocortical hypertensions [26].
  • Left renal vein insulin concentration increased from 41 +/- 8 to 92 +/- 23 pmol/l (P < 0.05) in the insulin group, but there was no change in either arterial insulin, (approximately 50 pmol/l), glucose concentrations (approximately 5.4 mmol/l), or glucose appearance (approximately 18 [7].
  • Eleven of 12 patients with a depressor response to angiotensin II blockade had significant renovascular or renal disease, and nine of 10 had renal vein renin measurements that lateralized to the abnormal kidney [27].
  • Comparison of the level of LA-PF4/beta TG antigen and of creatinine in aorta and in renal vein showed 25%-30% extraction of these compounds by the kidney [28].
  • In dogs pretreated with indomethacin, blood from the right renal vein also showed vasoconstrictor activity [29].

Gene context of Renal Veins


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Renal Veins

  • Since unilateral hypersecretion of renin with a completely normal contralateral kidney is rare in this group, abnormal renal-vein and peripheral renin values should be a prerequisite for advising nephrectomy, especially when the suspected kidney shows considerable excretory function [35].
  • Phlebography of the inferior vena cava with selective study of the renal veins was performed in 43 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [36].
  • All study subjects had their renal vein catheterized under fluoroscopy, and net renal glucose balance and renal glucose production and utilization rates were measured using a combination of arteriovenous concentration difference with stable isotope dilution technique [37].
  • To characterize the role of the liver and kidney in the metabolic response to injury and infection, selective catheterization of the hepatic (42 veins) and renal veins (21 veins) was performed in 31 burn patients (mean burn size: 51% TBS), studied 4-129 days postinjury [38].
  • These data support the usefulness and define the limitations of peripheral and renal vein renin measurements in selecting patients for treatment by renal angioplasty [39].


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