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Brachial Artery

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Disease relevance of Brachial Artery


Psychiatry related information on Brachial Artery


High impact information on Brachial Artery

  • Nitrite infusions of 36 and 0.36 micromol/min into the forearm brachial artery resulted in supra- and near-physiologic intravascular nitrite concentrations, respectively, and increased forearm blood flow before and during exercise, with or without NO synthase inhibition [7].
  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Brachial artery flow-mediated (endothelium-dependent) and glyceryl trinitrate-induced (endothelium-independent) dilatation were compared between previously preeclamptic women and controls [8].
  • Effect of antioxidant vitamins on the transient impairment of endothelium-dependent brachial artery vasoactivity following a single high-fat meal [9].
  • The partial genetic deficiency in TK activity is associated with an inward remodeling of the brachial artery, which is not adapted to a chronic increase in wall shear stress, indicating a new form of arterial dysfunction affecting 5-7% of white people [10].
  • Therefore, L-mono-methyl-arginine to inhibit basal nitric oxide activity, serotonin to stimulate nitric oxide activity, and nitroprusside as endothelium-independent vasodilator were infused in the brachial artery of 13 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and 13 matched controls [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Brachial Artery


Biological context of Brachial Artery


Anatomical context of Brachial Artery


Associations of Brachial Artery with chemical compounds

  • After the 4-h sample period, NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) was infused into the brachial artery for 2 h to bring flow back to baseline and repeat samples were taken (6 h) [27].
  • Unlabeled D-mannitol (a nontransportable molecule) and radioactive 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (the reference molecular probe to assess glucose transport activity) were simultaneously injected into the brachial artery, and the washout curves were measured in the deep venous effluent blood [28].
  • Infusion of NO (36 micromol/min) into the brachial artery increased levels of plasma nitroso species, nitrite, and nitrate in the draining antecubital vein (by < 2-fold, 30-fold, and 4-fold, respectively), indicative of oxidative and nitrosative chemistry [29].
  • In a subgroup of 10 subjects the brachial artery was cannulated to infuse adenosine (0.15, 0.5, 1.5, 5, 15, and 50 micrograms/100 ml forearm per min) before and after intravenous injection of 0.5 mg draflazine [30].
  • Subsequently, isoosmolar CaCl2 solution was infused into the same brachial artery at a rate of 0.09 meq/min, and then, with a 2.5 +/- 0.2-mg/dl increase in ipsilateral venous serum calcium concentrations the incremental responses of both FBF and plasma cyclic GMP to alpha hANP were severely blunted [31].

Gene context of Brachial Artery

  • Big ET-1 was infused into the brachial artery of nine patients with atherosclerosis and nine healthy controls [32].
  • METHODS: On two separate occasions, ADM (1-30 pmol x min(-1)) and PAMP (100-3000 pmol x min(-1)) were infused into the brachial artery of eight male subjects, and forearm blood flow (FBF) assessed using venous occlusion plethysmography [33].
  • METHODS: The selective ET-A receptor blocker BQ-123 (10 and 50 nmol/min) was infused into the brachial artery, alone or in combination with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine acetate (L-NMMA) (2 and 4 micromol/min) in 10 lung transplant recipients without pharmacologically treated hypertension and 8 healthy controls [34].
  • LPL concentration and activity were analyzed, and endothelial function was evaluated noninvasively as flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery [35].
  • Infusions of PYY into the brachial artery at 5 pmol/min decreased local vasodilation induced by VIP infused at 2 pmol/min at the same site by 40% (P < 0.01), even though this dose of PYY had no significant effect on local blood flow when given alone.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[36]

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Brachial Artery


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