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Gene Review

TMC6  -  transmembrane channel-like 6

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EV1, EVER1, EVIN1, Epidermodysplasia verruciformis protein 1, LAK-4P, ...
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Disease relevance of TMC6


Psychiatry related information on TMC6

  • CONCLUSIONS: Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a model not only of cutaneous viral oncogenesis but also of local defense mechanisms in the progression of human papillomavirus-associated cancers [5].
  • Successively younger birth cohorts displayed an increase in prevalence and a decrease in onset-age for all disorders. "Ever" use of mental health services was higher for women with 3 or more comorbid disorders (65%) than for those with no disorder (9.8%), or only 1 disorder (51.4%) [6].
  • RESULTS: Ever smoking a cigarette at baseline had a statistically significant impact on high depressive symptoms at follow-up [7].

High impact information on TMC6


Chemical compound and disease context of TMC6


Biological context of TMC6


Anatomical context of TMC6

  • Our hypothesis is that EVER proteins act as restriction factors for EV-specific HPVs in keratinocytes, and that EV represents a primary deficiency of intrinsic immunity against certain papillomaviruses [17].
  • In addition to natural ligands human echovirus-1 (EV1) gains entry into the cell by binding to alpha 2 beta 1 and taking advantage of alpha 2 beta 1 internalization via caveolae [18].
  • Transient expression assays with keratinocytes and fibroblasts of epidermodysplasia verruciformis patients and controls demonstrated that the NRE activity is not cell specific [19].
  • Epidermodysplasia verruciformis T cells were inhibited in their capacity to respond to allogeneic epidermal cells when they were simultaneously exposed to autologous epidermal cells from HPV-infected lesional epidermis, but not to normal-appearing epidermis [20].
  • In view of the rare incidence of EV, we had a unique opportunity to perform a virologic study of the amniotic fluid and placenta from an EV patient infected with HPV5, HPV8, several other EV HPV, and HPV3 [21].

Associations of TMC6 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of TMC6


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TMC6


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