Gene Review:
FOXE1 - forkhead box E1
Homo sapiens
FKHL15, FOXE2, Forkhead box protein E1, Forkhead box protein E2, Forkhead-related protein FKHL15, ...
- FOXE1 association with both isolated cleft lip with or without cleft palate, and isolated cleft palate. Moreno, L.M., Mansilla, M.A., Bullard, S.A., Cooper, M.E., Busch, T.D., Machida, J., Johnson, M.K., Brauer, D., Krahn, K., Daack-Hirsch, S., L'heureux, J., Valencia-Ramirez, C., Rivera, D., López, A.M., Moreno, M.A., Hing, A., Lammer, E.J., Jones, M., Christensen, K., Lie, R.T., Jugessur, A., Wilcox, A.J., Chines, P., Pugh, E., Doheny, K., Arcos-Burgos, M., Marazita, M.L., Murray, J.C., Lidral, A.C. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2009)
- Common variants on 9q22.33 and 14q13.3 predispose to thyroid cancer in European populations. Gudmundsson, J., Sulem, P., Gudbjartsson, D.F., Jonasson, J.G., Sigurdsson, A., Bergthorsson, J.T., He, H., Blondal, T., Geller, F., Jakobsdottir, M., Magnusdottir, D.N., Matthiasdottir, S., Stacey, S.N., Skarphedinsson, O.B., Helgadottir, H., Li, W., Nagy, R., Aguillo, E., Faure, E., Prats, E., Saez, B., Martinez, M., Eyjolfsson, G.I., Bjornsdottir, U.S., Holm, H., Kristjansson, K., Frigge, M.L., Kristvinsson, H., Gulcher, J.R., Jonsson, T., Rafnar, T., Hjartarsson, H., Mayordomo, J.I., de la Chapelle, A., Hrafnkelsson, J., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Kong, A., Stefansson, K. Nat. Genet. (2009)
- The variant rs1867277 in FOXE1 gene confers thyroid cancer susceptibility through the recruitment of USF1/USF2 transcription factors. Landa, I., Ruiz-Llorente, S., Montero-Conde, C., Inglada-Pérez, L., Schiavi, F., Leskelä, S., Pita, G., Milne, R., Maravall, J., Ramos, I., Andía, V., Rodríguez-Poyo, P., Jara-Albarrán, A., Meoro, A., del Peso, C., Arribas, L., Iglesias, P., Caballero, J., Serrano, J., Picó, A., Pomares, F., Giménez, G., López-Mondéjar, P., Castello, R., Merante-Boschin, I., Pelizzo, M.R., Mauricio, D., Opocher, G., Rodríguez-Antona, C., González-Neira, A., Matías-Guiu, X., Santisteban, P., Robledo, M. PLoS. Genet. (2009)
- FOXE1, a new transcriptional target of GLI2 is expressed in human epidermis and basal cell carcinoma. Eichberger, T., Regl, G., Ikram, M.S., Neill, G.W., Philpott, M.P., Aberger, F., Frischauf, A.M. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2004)
- A Novel Missense Mutation in Human TTF-2 (FKHL15) Gene Associated with Congenital Hypothyroidism But Not Athyreosis. Baris, I., Arisoy, A.E., Smith, A., Agostini, M., Mitchell, C.S., Park, S.M., Halefoglu, A.M., Zengin, E., Chatterjee, V.K., Battaloglu, E. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2006)
- FOXE1 gene mutation screening by multiplex PCR/DHPLC in CHARGE syndrome and syndromic and non-syndromic cleft palate. Venza, M., Visalli, M., Venza, I., Torino, C., Saladino, R., Teti, D. J. Chromatogr. B Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. (2006)
- A novel loss-of-function mutation in TTF-2 is associated with congenital hypothyroidism, thyroid agenesis and cleft palate. Castanet, M., Park, S.M., Smith, A., Bost, M., Léger, J., Lyonnet, S., Pelet, A., Czernichow, P., Chatterjee, K., Polak, M. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2002)
- FKHL15, a new human member of the forkhead gene family located on chromosome 9q22. Chadwick, B.P., Obermayr, F., Frischauf, A.M. Genomics (1997)
- PAX8, TITF1, and FOXE1 gene expression patterns during human development: new insights into human thyroid development and thyroid dysgenesis-associated malformations. Trueba, S.S., Augé, J., Mattei, G., Etchevers, H., Martinovic, J., Czernichow, P., Vekemans, M., Polak, M., Attié-Bitach, T. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2005)
- Mutation of the gene encoding human TTF-2 associated with thyroid agenesis, cleft palate and choanal atresia. Clifton-Bligh, R.J., Wentworth, J.M., Heinz, P., Crisp, M.S., John, R., Lazarus, J.H., Ludgate, M., Chatterjee, V.K. Nat. Genet. (1998)
- Requirement of the forkhead gene Foxe1, a target of sonic hedgehog signaling, in hair follicle morphogenesis. Brancaccio, A., Minichiello, A., Grachtchouk, M., Antonini, D., Sheng, H., Parlato, R., Dathan, N., Dlugosz, A.A., Missero, C. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- Thyroid transcription factor-2 gene expression in benign and malignant thyroid lesions. Sequeira, M.J., Morgan, J.M., Fuhrer, D., Wheeler, M.H., Jasani, B., Ludgate, M. Thyroid (2001)
- Cloning, chromosomal localization and identification of polymorphisms in the human thyroid transcription factor 2 gene (TITF2). Macchia, P.E., Mattei, M.G., Lapi, P., Fenzi, G., Di Lauro, R. Biochimie (1999)
- Production and application of polyclonal antibody to human thyroid transcription factor 2 reveals thyroid transcription factor 2 protein expression in adult thyroid and hair follicles and prepubertal testis. Sequeira, M., Al-Khafaji, F., Park, S., Lewis, M.D., Wheeler, M.H., Chatterjee, V.K., Jasani, B., Ludgate, M. Thyroid (2003)
- The novel human HNF-3/fork head-like 5 gene: chromosomal localization and expression pattern. Wiese, S., Emmerich, D., Schröder, B., Murphy, D.B., Grzeschik, K.H., Van Kessel, A.G., Thies, U. DNA Cell Biol. (1997)
- Distribution of the titf2/foxe1 gene product is consistent with an important role in the development of foregut endoderm, palate, and hair. Dathan, N., Parlato, R., Rosica, A., De Felice, M., Di Lauro, R. Dev. Dyn. (2002)
- Polymorphism of the polyalanine tract of thyroid transcription factor-2 gene in patients with thyroid dysgenesis. Hishinuma, A., Ohyama, Y., Kuribayashi, T., Nagakubo, N., Namatame, T., Shibayama, K., Arisaka, O., Matsuura, N., Ieiri, T. Eur. J. Endocrinol. (2001)
- Identification and characterization of rat Desert hedgehog and Indian hedgehog genes in silico. Katoh, Y., Katoh, M. Int. J. Oncol. (2005)
- Autosomal dominant resistance to thyrotropin as a distinct entity in five multigenerational kindreds: clinical characterization and exclusion of candidate loci. Grasberger, H., Mimouni-Bloch, A., Vantyghem, M.C., van Vliet, G., Abramowicz, M., Metzger, D.L., Abdullatif, H., Rydlewski, C., Macchia, P.E., Scherberg, N.H., van Sande, J., Mimouni, M., Weiss, R.E., Vassart, G., Refetoff, S. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2005)
- A novel mutation (Q40P) in PAX8 associated with congenital hypothyroidism and thyroid hypoplasia: evidence for phenotypic variability in mother and child. Congdon, T., Nguyen, L.Q., Nogueira, C.R., Habiby, R.L., Medeiros-Neto, G., Kopp, P. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2001)
- A case of primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid: molecular evidence of its origin. Minagawa, A., Iitaka, M., Suzuki, M., Yasuda, S., Kameyama, K., Shimada, S., Kitahama, S., Wada, S., Katayama, S. Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf) (2002)