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Gene Review

FOXM1  -  forkhead box M1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FKHL16, FOXM1B, Forkhead box protein M1, Forkhead-related protein FKHL16, HFH-11, ...
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Disease relevance of FOXM1


High impact information on FOXM1

  • The forkhead box m1 (Foxm1) transcription factor is essential for initiation of carcinogen-induced liver tumors; however, whether FoxM1 constitutes a therapeutic target for liver cancer treatment remains unknown [5].
  • In the current study, we show that IL-1beta induces destruction of INS-1 insulinoma cells, while having no effect on a second insulinoma cell line RIN1046-38 and its engineered derivatives, and that this difference is correlated with a higher level of expression of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in the latter cells [6].
  • The well-characterized synaptotagmin isoforms I and II are present in pancreatic beta-cell lines RINm5F, INS-1 and HIT-T15 as shown by Northern and Western blots [7].
  • The topology of the LexA DNA binding domain is found to be the same as for the DNA binding domains of the catabolic activator protein, human histone 5, the HNF-3/fork head protein and the Kluyveromyces lactis heat shock transcription factor [8].
  • Mammalian hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 (HNF-3) and the Drosophila homeotic gene fork head proteins are prototypes of an extensive family of cell-specific transcription factors that share homology in the winged helix DNA-binding domain [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of FOXM1

  • To further investigate the molecular mechanisms implicated in these adaptation processes to hyperglycemia, we have studied the regulation of genes encoding key glycolytic enzymes in the glucose-responsive beta-cell line INS-1 [10].
  • We investigated the involvement of apoptotic events in INS-1 insulinoma cells overexpressing wild-type HNF-1 alpha (WT-HNF-1 alpha) or a dominant-negative mutant (DN-HNF-1 alpha) under control of a doxycycline-dependent transcriptional activator [11].
  • We recently isolated and characterized a novel member of the winged helix (formerly HNF-3/Forkhead) transcriptional regulatory family, termed Genesis. Genesis was found to be a transcriptional repressor expressed almost exclusively in embryonic stem cells or embryonal carcinoma cells [12].
  • We also compared results, including observations of osteolysis, of the Trident study group with those of the predecessor alumina bearing couple design to determine clinical improvement and radiographic stability [13].
  • These results suggest that insulin secretion from the rat insulinoma cell line, INS-1, is modulated by troglitazone, acting somewhere in the ATP-sensitive K(+) channel pathway, possibly through PPAR gamma [14].

Biological context of FOXM1

  • Given the role of FOXM1 in cell proliferation, the up-regulation of FOXM1 in BCCs may be one of the mechanisms whereby Shh signaling exerts its mitogenic effect on basal keratinocytes, leading to the development of this common human cancer [1].
  • The FOXM1 forkhead proteins, originally identified as M-phase phosphoproteins, are proliferation-associated transcriptional regulators involved in cell cycle progression, genetic stability and tumorigenesis [15].
  • We suggest that the very high potential of the transactivation domain has to be tightly controlled by these two inhibitory domains because FOXM1 stimulates proliferation by promoting G1/S transition, as well as G2/M transition, and because deregulation of such potent activators of proliferation can result in tumorigenesis [16].
  • Consequently, the G1-phase proliferation signal cyclin D1/Cdk4 converts FOXM1c from an almost inactive form into a strong transactivator in G1-phase, i.e., just at the time point at which the transcriptional activity of FOXM1 is required for stimulation of the G1/S-transition [17].
  • The deduced MPP1 and MPP2 amino acid sequences are not closely related to any previously described proteins [18].

Anatomical context of FOXM1

  • All three known FOXM1 isoforms (a, b, and c) were detected in human skin and cultured keratinocytes, and the transcriptionally active FOXM1b isoform was found to be up-regulated in BCCs [1].
  • In the present study, the role of SOCS-3 in GH signaling was investigated in the pancreatic beta-cell lines RIN-5AH and INS-1 by means of inducible expression systems [19].
  • We report here one such novel interaction between STAT-3 and hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 (HNF-3) in the absence of DNA [20].
  • Analysis of the promoter in synchronized Rat-1 fibroblasts revealed a fragment of 300 bases responsible for the cell cycle-specific expression of the TRIDENT gene [21].
  • Consistent with a role in transcription, small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of PDX-1 led to decreased mafA mRNA production in INS-1-derived beta-cell lines (832/13 and 832/3), while MafA expression was undetected in the pancreatic epithelium of Nkx2.2 null animals [22].

Associations of FOXM1 with chemical compounds

  • Finally, 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation followed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis showed that SOCS-3 inhibits GH-induced proliferation of INS-1 cells [19].
  • Antibodies or Fab-fragments directed against the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding site of the first C2 domain of synaptotagmin I or II inhibited Ca2+-stimulated, but not GTPgammaS-induced exocytosis from streptolysin-O-permeabilized INS-1 and HIT-T15 cells [7].
  • The mei4+ open reading frame encodes a 57-kDa serine-rich protein comprised of 517 amino acids with a forkhead/HNF3 DNA-binding domain in the amino-terminal region [23].
  • Such control is likely mediated via the expression of immediate-early response genes since several of these genes including c-fos are strongly induced by glucose in the beta-cell line INS-1, provided costimulation with cAMP-raising glucoincretin hormones [24].
  • Furthermore, expression of this truncated HNF3 protein results in a proportionate reduction of glucocorticoid-stimulated glucose production from lactate and pyruvate in these cells [25].

Physical interactions of FOXM1

  • In particular we show that the hamster CYP7A1 insulin response sequence is part of a complex unit involved in specific interactions with multiple transcription factors such as members of the HNF-3 family; this region does not bind very strongly to HNF-3 and as a consequence partly contributes to the transactivation of the gene [26].
  • Eight of these were novel, including a gross gene deletion, three missense mutations, two micro-deletions, a splicing mutation and a single base-pair substitution in the HNF-3 binding site in the PROC gene promoter [27].
  • The effects of GH and PRL on [Ca2+]i, JAK2 phosphorylation and DNA binding of the STATs were virtually identical in INS-1 cells [28].
  • Sequences were inserted at position -21, separating both HNF-3 binding sites from the HNF-1-HNF-6 binding site, and position -5, separating the HNF-3-HNF-1-HNF-6 complex from the transcription start site [29].
  • Results of gel mobility shift assays and DNase I and exonuclease III in vitro protection assays indicate that factors with DNA-binding properties similar to those of the HNF-3/fork head family of transcription factors are present in adipocytes and interact with LP-alpha and LP-beta [30].

Regulatory relationships of FOXM1


Other interactions of FOXM1

  • GLI family transcription factors then activate transcription of Hedgehog target genes, such as FOXE1 and FOXM1 encoding Forkhead-box transcription factors [36].
  • PTCH1, FOXM1 and CCND2 are direct transcriptional targets of Hedgehog signaling [37].
  • Partial-length cDNAs encoding two MPM2-reactive proteins termed MPM2-reactive phosphoproteins 1 and 2 (MPP1 and MPP2) were isolated [18].
  • Transcription is stimulated and repressed by several transcription factors, including B-MYB, E2F, FOXM1, and NF-Y [38].
  • Expression of GLI1 and FOXM1 mRNA increased with exogenous exposure to SHh [2].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FOXM1


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