MeSH Review:
Carcinoma, Basal Cell
- Relation between skin cancer and HLA antigens in renal-transplant recipients. Bouwes Bavinck, J.N., Vermeer, B.J., van der Woude, F.J., Vandenbroucke, J.P., Schreuder, G.M., Thorogood, J., Persijn, G.G., Claas, F.H. N. Engl. J. Med. (1991)
- Human upper epidermal cytoplasmic antibodies are directed against keratin intermediate filament proteins. Hintner, H., Steinert, P.M., Lawley, T.J. J. Clin. Invest. (1983)
- Quantitative carcinogenesis in man: solar ultraviolet B dose dependence of skin cancer in Maryland watermen. Strickland, P.T., Vitasa, B.C., West, S.K., Rosenthal, F.S., Emmett, E.A., Taylor, H.R. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1989)
- Chemoprotective effect of progesterone on carcinoma formation in mice and rats. Lupulescu, A. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1985)
- Kinetics of cell proliferation in benigh and premalignant tumors of the human epidermis. Heenen, M., Lambert, J.C., Achten, G., Galand, P. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1975)
- Basal cell carcinomas in mice overexpressing Gli2 in skin. Grachtchouk, M., Mo, R., Yu, S., Zhang, X., Sasaki, H., Hui, C.C., Dlugosz, A.A. Nat. Genet. (2000)
- Preliminary observations on the use of topical tazarotene to treat basal-cell carcinoma. Peris, K., Fargnoli, M.C., Chimenti, S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1999)
- Ultraviolet and ionizing radiation enhance the growth of BCCs and trichoblastomas in patched heterozygous knockout mice. Aszterbaum, M., Epstein, J., Oro, A., Douglas, V., LeBoit, P.E., Scott, M.P., Epstein, E.H. Nat. Med. (1999)
- Induction of basal cell carcinoma features in transgenic human skin expressing Sonic Hedgehog. Fan, H., Oro, A.E., Scott, M.P., Khavari, P.A. Nat. Med. (1997)
- Basal-cell carcinoma. A case unmasked by systemic fluorouracil therapy. Scialla, S.J., Miskoff, R.A. JAMA (1976)
- Long-term therapy with low-dose isotretinoin for prevention of basal cell carcinoma: a multicenter clinical trial. Isotretinoin-Basal Cell Carcinoma Study Group. Tangrea, J.A., Edwards, B.K., Taylor, P.R., Hartman, A.M., Peck, G.L., Salasche, S.J., Menon, P.A., Benson, P.M., Mellette, J.R., Guill, M.A. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1992)
- Inhibition of DNA synthesis and neoplastic cell growth by vitamin A (retinol). Lupulescu, A. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1986)
- The inhibition of colon-26 adenocarcinoma development and angiogenesis by topical diclofenac in 2.5% hyaluronan. Seed, M.P., Brown, J.R., Freemantle, C.N., Papworth, J.L., Colville-Nash, P.R., Willis, D., Somerville, K.W., Asculai, S., Willoughby, D.A. Cancer Res. (1997)
- Expansion of microvascular bed and increased solute flux in human Basal cell carcinoma in vivo, measured by fluorescein video angiography. Stanton, A.W., Drysdale, S.B., Patel, R., Mellor, R.H., Duff, M.J., Levick, J.R., Mortimer, P.S. Cancer Res. (2003)
- Mutation hotspots due to sunlight in the p53 gene of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Ziegler, A., Leffell, D.J., Kunala, S., Sharma, H.W., Gailani, M., Simon, J.A., Halperin, A.J., Baden, H.P., Shapiro, P.E., Bale, A.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1993)
- Progression of basal cell carcinoma through loss of chromosome 9q and inactivation of a single p53 allele. van der Riet, P., Karp, D., Farmer, E., Wei, Q., Grossman, L., Tokino, K., Ruppert, J.M., Sidransky, D. Cancer Res. (1994)
- PTCH2, a novel human patched gene, undergoing alternative splicing and up-regulated in basal cell carcinomas. Zaphiropoulos, P.G., Undén, A.B., Rahnama, F., Hollingsworth, R.E., Toftgård, R. Cancer Res. (1999)
- p53 gene mutations in human epithelial skin cancers. Molès, J.P., Moyret, C., Guillot, B., Jeanteur, P., Guilhou, J.J., Theillet, C., Basset-Sèguin, N. Oncogene (1993)
- Expression of interferon-gamma receptors and interferon-gamma-induced up-regulation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in basal cell carcinoma; decreased expression of IFN-gamma R and shedding of ICAM-1 as a means to escape immune surveillance. Kooy, A.J., Tank, B., Vuzevski, V.D., van Joost, T., Prens, E.P. J. Pathol. (1998)
- Mutations in the human homologue of the Drosophila segment polarity gene patched (PTCH) in sporadic basal cell carcinomas of the skin and primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the central nervous system. Wolter, M., Reifenberger, J., Sommer, C., Ruzicka, T., Reifenberger, G. Cancer Res. (1997)
- Human sunlight-induced basal-cell-carcinoma-associated dendritic cells are deficient in T cell co-stimulatory molecules and are impaired as antigen-presenting cells. Nestle, F.O., Burg, G., Fäh, J., Wrone-Smith, T., Nickoloff, B.J. Am. J. Pathol. (1997)
- Hair cycle regulation of Hedgehog signal reception. Oro, A.E., Higgins, K. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- Fibronectin in basal cell epithelioma: sources and significance. Grimwood, R.E., Huff, J.C., Harbell, J.W., Clark, R.A. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1984)
- Expression of 38-kD cell-surface glycoprotein in transformed human keratinocyte cell lines, basal cell carcinomas, and epithelial germs. Klein, C.E., Hartmann, B., Schön, M.P., Weber, L., Alberti, S. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1990)
- The tumour-suppressor gene patched encodes a candidate receptor for Sonic hedgehog. Stone, D.M., Hynes, M., Armanini, M., Swanson, T.A., Gu, Q., Johnson, R.L., Scott, M.P., Pennica, D., Goddard, A., Phillips, H., Noll, M., Hooper, J.E., de Sauvage, F., Rosenthal, A. Nature (1996)
- Detecting tissue-specific alternative splicing and disease-associated aberrant splicing of the PTCH gene with exon junction microarrays. Nagao, K., Togawa, N., Fujii, K., Uchikawa, H., Kohno, Y., Yamada, M., Miyashita, T. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- Requirement of the forkhead gene Foxe1, a target of sonic hedgehog signaling, in hair follicle morphogenesis. Brancaccio, A., Minichiello, A., Grachtchouk, M., Antonini, D., Sheng, H., Parlato, R., Dathan, N., Dlugosz, A.A., Missero, C. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- FOXM1 is a downstream target of Gli1 in basal cell carcinomas. Teh, M.T., Wong, S.T., Neill, G.W., Ghali, L.R., Philpott, M.P., Quinn, A.G. Cancer Res. (2002)
- The Forkhead Box m1 transcription factor stimulates the proliferation of tumor cells during development of lung cancer. Kim, I.M., Ackerson, T., Ramakrishna, S., Tretiakova, M., Wang, I.C., Kalin, T.V., Major, M.L., Gusarova, G.A., Yoder, H.M., Costa, R.H., Kalinichenko, V.V. Cancer Res. (2006)
- Use of tanning devices and risk of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers. Karagas, M.R., Stannard, V.A., Mott, L.A., Slattery, M.J., Spencer, S.K., Weinstock, M.A. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (2002)
- Human papillomavirus infections in nonmelanoma skin cancers from renal transplant recipients and nonimmunosuppressed patients. Shamanin, V., zur Hausen, H., Lavergne, D., Proby, C.M., Leigh, I.M., Neumann, C., Hamm, H., Goos, M., Haustein, U.F., Jung, E.G., Plewig, G., Wolff, H., de Villiers, E.M. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1996)
- Amphiregulin overexpression results in rapidly growing keratinocytic tumors: an in vivo xenograft model of keratoacanthoma. Billings, S.D., Southall, M.D., Li, T., Cook, P.W., Baldridge, L., Moores, W.B., Spandau, D.F., Foley, J.G., Travers, J.B. Am. J. Pathol. (2003)
- Drebrin, an actin-binding, cell-type characteristic protein: induction and localization in epithelial skin tumors and cultured keratinocytes. Peitsch, W.K., Hofmann, I., Bulkescher, J., Hergt, M., Spring, H., Bleyl, U., Goerdt, S., Franke, W.W. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2005)
- Breast-cancer-associated stromelysin-3 gene is expressed in basal cell carcinoma and during cutaneous wound healing. Wolf, C., Chenard, M.P., Durand de Grossouvre, P., Bellocq, J.P., Chambon, P., Basset, P. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1992)