Gene Review:
Lta - lymphotoxin alpha
Rattus norvegicus
LT-alpha, Lymphotoxin-alpha, TNF-beta, Tnfb, Tnfsf1, ...
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- Brain injury and tumor necrosis factors induce calbindin D-28k in astrocytes: evidence for a cytoprotective response. Mattson, M.P., Cheng, B., Baldwin, S.A., Smith-Swintosky, V.L., Keller, J., Geddes, J.W., Scheff, S.W., Christakos, S. J. Neurosci. Res. (1995)
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- High IL-6 and low IL-10 in the central nervous system are associated with protracted relapsing EAE in DA rats. Diab, A., Zhu, J., Xiao, B.G., Mustafa, M., Link, H. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (1997)
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- Manganese superoxide dismutase induced by TNF-beta is regulated transcriptionally by NF-kappaB after spinal cord injury in rats. Yune, T.Y., Lee, S.M., Kim, S.J., Park, H.K., Oh, Y.J., Kim, Y.C., Markelonis, G.J., Oh, T.H. J. Neurotrauma (2004)
- Cloning and sequence analysis of the rat tumor necrosis factor-encoding genes. Kwon, J., Chung, I.Y., Benveniste, E.N. Gene (1993)
- Induction of TNF alpha and TNF beta gene expression in rat cardiac transplants during allograft rejection. Pizarro, T.T., Malinowska, K., Kovacs, E.J., Clancy, J., Robinson, J.A., Piccinini, L.A. Transplantation (1993)
- In situ localization of TNFalpha/beta, TACE and TNF receptors TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 in control and LPS-treated lung tissue. Ermert, M., Pantazis, C., Duncker, H.R., Grimminger, F., Seeger, W., Ermert, L. Cytokine (2003)
- Effects of six different cytokines on lymphocyte adherence to microvascular endothelium and in vivo lymphocyte migration in the rat. Issekutz, T.B. J. Immunol. (1990)
- Activation of C-jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase in primary glial cultures. Zhang, P., Miller, B.S., Rosenzweig, S.A., Bhat, N.R. J. Neurosci. Res. (1996)
- Modulation of intrathecal morphine-induced immunosuppression by microinjection of naloxone into periaqueductal gray. Zhang, Y., Du, L.N., Wu, G.C., Cao, X.D. Zhongguo yao li xue bao = Acta pharmacologica Sinica. (1998)
- Dentin sialoprotein and phosphoprotein induce neutrophil recruitment: a mechanism dependent on IL-1beta, TNF-beta, and CXC chemokines. Silva, T.A., Lara, V.S., Silva, J.S., Garlet, G.P., Butler, W.T., Cunha, F.Q. Calcif. Tissue Int. (2004)
- Diminished cytotoxic gene expression in rat cardiac transplants with low-dose cyclosporine/methotrexate combination therapy. Pizarro, T.T., Malinowska, K., Kovacs, E.J., Clancy, J., Robinson, J.A., Piccinini, L.A. Transplantation (1994)
- Tumor necrosis factor-alpha prevents interleukin-1 beta from augmenting capsaicin-induced vasodilatation in the rat skin. Herbert, M.K., Hering, S. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1995)
- Stimulation of lymphocyte migration by endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor, and interferon. Issekutz, T.B., Stoltz, J.M. Cell. Immunol. (1989)
- Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae induce different intracerebral mRNA cytokine patterns during the course of experimental bacterial meningitis. Diab, A., Zhu, J., Lindquist, L., Wretlind, B., Bakhiet, M., Link, H. Clin. Exp. Immunol. (1997)
- Effect of SLS-2 spaceflight on immunologic parameters of rats. Lesnyak, A., Sonnenfeld, G., Avery, L., Konstantinova, I., Rykova, M., Meshkov, D., Orlova, T. J. Appl. Physiol. (1996)
- Effects of NF-kappaB oligonucleotide "decoys" on gene expression in P7 rat hippocampus after hypoxia/ischemia. Qiu, J., Hu, X., Nesic, O., Grafe, M.R., Rassin, D.K., Wood, T.G., Perez-Polo, J.R. J. Neurosci. Res. (2004)