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Gene Review

RPVgp5  -  F protein

Rinderpest virus (strain Kabete O)

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Disease relevance of RPVgp5

  • Based on the crystal structure of the NDV F protein, we then predicted the locations of the Morbillivirus glycans: the glycan at position 36 is located in the F protein head, and those at positions 68 and 75 are located near the neck-stalk interface [1].
  • The H polypeptide has receptor-binding and hemagglutinating activity, whereas the F protein mediates virus penetration of the host cell, formation of syncytia, and hemolysis of erythrocytes [2].
  • When expressed from a recombinant vaccinia virus in primate cells infected by MV, the engineered serpin (alpha 1-PDX) specifically inhibited furin-catalyzed cleavage of the F-protein precursor without affecting synthesis of other MV proteins [3].
  • The uncleaved precursor F0 and the F1 subunit from infected cells and extracellular virus were both labeled, indicating that palmitoylation can take place prior to F0 cleavage and that palmitoylated F protein was incorporated into virus particles [4].
  • Immunization of dogs with measles virus (MV) iscoms, prepared either from affinity-purified MV F protein or from purified whole virus, resulted in partial protection against challenge with CDV [5].

High impact information on RPVgp5

  • On the other hand, the long 5' UTR of the F mRNA was found to possess the capacity to decrease the F protein production, inhibiting virus replication and yet greatly reducing cytopathogenicity [6].
  • NDV position 36 is not occupied by a glycan; the only glycan in that F protein head also has a fusion control function and grows from residue 366, located only 6 A from residue 36 [1].
  • To investigate the role of H protein in the differential MV host cell specificity and cell fusion activity, H proteins of wild-type MV (IC-B) and Ed were coexpressed with the F protein in Vero cells [7].
  • In the intracellular neutralization experiments, confocal immunofluorescence microscopy showed prominent colocalization of anti-H IgA and H protein inside virus-infected cells, whereas colocalization of anti-F and F protein and of anti-N and N protein was much less, in agreement with the neutralization results [8].
  • The pseudotype bearing the wild-type KA H protein and Edmonston F protein (VSVDeltaG*-KAHF) infected all lymphoid cell lines in which the wild-type MV strains caused CPE as efficiently as VSVDeltaG*-EdHF, but it did not infect any of the cell lines resistant to infection with the KA strain [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of RPVgp5


Biological context of RPVgp5

  • These results suggest that the F protein transmembrane domain cysteines 506 and 518 participate in structures involved in cell fusion, possibly mediated by palmitoylation [4].
  • Glycosylation of the proteins appeared to be impaired somewhat, and the precursor to the F protein was not completely cleaved by the proteases present in insect host cells [2].
  • The data indicate that the arginine 112 residue is critical for the correct proteolytic cleavage that is required for the membrane fusion activity of the MV F protein [12].
  • No changes were found in the F protein which could explain attenuation of the vaccine; however, each of the mild field isolates had amino acid changes in important functional areas which may be related to their attenuated phenotype [13].
  • Previous studies from this laboratory showed that oligopeptides with amino acid sequences similar to the sequence of the N-terminal region of the F1 polypeptide of paramyxoviruses inhibited the membrane fusing activity of the F protein, and thereby inhibited virus infectivity at the level of penetration and virus-induced cell fusion and hemolysis [14].

Anatomical context of RPVgp5

  • This aberrant cleavage appears to have abolished the ability of the F protein to cause syncytium formation [12].
  • As an alternative to detecting physical associations of these proteins by coimmunoprecipitation, further studies were performed with a mutant HPIV3 F protein (F-KDEL) lacking a transmembrane anchor and cytoplasmic tail and containing a carboxyl-terminal retention signal for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [15].
  • Accordingly, no F protein could be detected in the HNT-PI cell line, although both the M and H proteins were produced in amounts comparable to those of Ph26 [16].
  • We concluded that the distribution of hydrophobic regions capable of spanning biological membranes determines the fusogenic nature of the F protein [17].
  • The F protein of both the Edmonston strain and a wild-type MV was found to be cleaved in the trans-Golgi cisternae and/or the trans-Golgi network (TGN) [18].

Associations of RPVgp5 with chemical compounds

  • As revealed by our previous studies, proteolytic cleavage of the MV F protein precursor into its F1 and F2 subunits, but not of F/H-mediated cellular fusion, was found to be required, since fusion-inhibitory peptides such as Z-D-Phe-L-Phe-Gly (Z-fFG) did not interfere with the induction of proliferative inhibition [19].
  • [3H]palmitic acid was released from F protein upon hydroxylamine or dithiothreitol treatment, indicating a thioester linkage [4].
  • These results and previous findings that formalin-treated virus does not induce antibodies to F protein provide an explanation for atypical measles [20].
  • Treatment of MV or Ad5MVF-infected cells with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation, abolished processing of the F protein [21].
  • CSP reduced the detection of the MV F protein by certain monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that appeared to recognize nonlinear epitopes [22].

Other interactions of RPVgp5

  • The synthesis of H, N and possibly F protein was seen in both lytic and persistent infections, but the synthesis of M protein was only detected in the lytic infection [23].
  • In acute and subacute lesions without associated inflammation, expression of the M, H and F protein was only slightly diminished compared to the N and P protein [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RPVgp5


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