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Gene Review

His1:CG31617  -  CG31617 gene product from transcript...

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG31617, Dmel\CG31617
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Disease relevance of His1:CG31617

  • However, in An. stephensi rpS6 the extension was approximately 70 amino acids longer than that in Ae. albopictus, and at the nucleotide level, it most closely resembled histone H1 proteins from the unicellular eukaryotes Leishmania and Chlamydomonas, and the bacterium Bordetella pertussis [1].

High impact information on His1:CG31617


Biological context of His1:CG31617


Anatomical context of His1:CG31617


Associations of His1:CG31617 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of His1:CG31617


Regulatory relationships of His1:CG31617

  • These results suggest that ASH2 maintains active transcription by binding a producer of nuclear phosphoinositides and downregulating histone H1 hyperphosphorylation [20].
  • The Drosophila don juan (dj) gene encodes a basic protein that is expressed solely in the male germline and shows structural similarities to the linker histone H1 [21].

Other interactions of His1:CG31617

  • We also show that histone H1 hyperphosphorylation is dramatically increased in both ash2 and sktl mutant polytene chromosomes [20].
  • Our results argue against a proposal of a shared role of HMGD and histone H1 in Drosophila chromatin [22].
  • Hence, the mechanism of transcriptional repression by p300 is distinct from that of histone H1, PARP-1 or Sir2 [23].
  • Regular spacing of nucleosomes with or without histone H1 is sufficient to maximally repress transcription from hsp70 and fushi tarazu gene promoters [24].
  • Moreover, we found that each of the individual core histones, but not histone H1 or high mobility group protein 1, bound to the knirps enhancer to give a repetitive DNase I footprint pattern with a periodicity of about 10 base pairs, which is approximately one turn of the DNA helix [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of His1:CG31617


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