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Gene Review

ITGAE  -  integrin, alpha E (antigen CD103, human...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD103, HML-1 antigen, HUMINAE, Integrin alpha-E, Integrin alpha-IEL, ...
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Disease relevance of ITGAE


High impact information on ITGAE

  • Our results show no mandatory role for CD103 expression on T cells for either the development or CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (T reg) cell-mediated control of colitis [2].
  • The integrin CD103 is highly expressed at mucosal sites, but its role in mucosal immune regulation remains poorly understood [2].
  • Non-T cell expression of CD103 is restricted primarily to CD11c(high)MHC class II(high) dendritic cells (DCs) [2].
  • In patients who had recently recovered from IM, latent epitope reactivities were quicker than lytic reactivities both to acquire CCR7 and to accumulate in the tonsil, with some of these cells now expressing the CD103 integrin, which mediates retention at mucosal sites [4].
  • The tumor cells expressed CD3, CD4, and the T-cell receptor gamma gene phenotype as well as human mucosal lymphocyte 1 antigen, suggesting that the lymphoma cells were derived from intraepithelial T lymphocytes [5].

Chemical compound and disease context of ITGAE


Biological context of ITGAE


Anatomical context of ITGAE


Associations of ITGAE with chemical compounds

  • Other positive markers were CD20 in 9/9 cases, CD19 in 9/9 cases, DBA44 in 8/9 cases, LeuM5(CD11C) in 8/9 cases, IL-2R(CD25) in 7/9 cases, CD103 in 7/9 cases, FMC7 in 6/9 cases, and tartrate- resistant acid phosphatase in 5/7 cases [15].

Regulatory relationships of ITGAE

  • Using a 51Cr-release cytotoxicity assay it was found that CD103 expressing T cells lysed E-cadherin expressing Panc-1 target cells following T cell receptor stimulation; addition of antibodies specific for CD103 significantly reduced this lysis [3].
  • Thus, the expression of CLA and CD103 may be antagonistically regulated by IL-10 and IL-12 and the balance between these cytokines could influence the T cell migration of inflammatory cells into epithelial tissues [16].
  • Furthermore, HML-1 antigen and HLA-DR antigen were coexpressed in 75% of RA SF lymphocytes compared to 29.6% of control SF lymphocytes (p < 0.01) [17].
  • RNA was isolated from the urinary cells, and we measured CD103 mRNA levels and a constitutively expressed 18S ribosomal (r)RNA with the use of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay [18].

Other interactions of ITGAE

  • In order of decreasing frequency, the following markers were observed: CD45RO, CD18, TCRgammadelta, and CD103 [19].
  • There was no difference in the percentage of CD3-, CD4-, CD8-, CD25-, CD45RO-, CD103-, and cutaneous lymphocyte Ag-positive cells in PBMCs among the patients with asthma, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and normal subjects, and CD3-positive cells in peripheral blood of asthmatic, dermatitis, rheumatic, and normal huPBMC-SCID mice [20].
  • Differential effects of interleukin 12 and interleukin 10 on superantigen-induced expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA) and alphaEbeta7 integrin (CD103) by CD8+ T cells [16].
  • While adding IL-12 augmented the expression of CLA, superantigen-induced expression of CD103 was markedly suppressed by IL-12, which could be reversed by TGF-beta [16].
  • The collective results demonstrate that recruitment of CD8(+) T cells to the site of transplant, CD103 or CD69 expression on CD8(+) GICs, and activation of alloreactive DTH responses are insufficient to initiate CD4-independent, CD8-dependent transplant rejection [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ITGAE


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