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Gene Review

CD69  -  CD69 molecule

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AIM, Activation inducer molecule, BL-AC/P26, C-type lectin domain family 2 member C, CLEC2C, ...
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Disease relevance of CD69


Psychiatry related information on CD69


High impact information on CD69

  • After transduction into T cells, the Hph-1-ctCTLA-4 fusion protein inhibited the production of interleukin (IL)-2, and downregulated CD69 and CD25 [8].
  • Antibodies against CD69, LFA-1 or ICAM-1 significantly inhibited the ability of T cells to activate macrophages by cell contact [9].
  • Raft targeting of activated SHP-1 in Jurkat-derived transfectants completely inhibited the expression of CD69 and transcriptional factors after TCR cross-linking [10].
  • Here, we report that PKCtheta function was selectively required in a Vav signaling pathway that mediates the TCR/CD28-induced activation of JNK and the IL-2 gene and the upregulation of CD69 expression [11].
  • MHC dimers, trimers, and tetramers stimulated T cells, as measured by upregulation of the activation markers CD69 and CD25, and by internalization of activated T cell receptor subunits [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of CD69


Biological context of CD69

  • The isolated cDNA exhibited a single open reading frame of 597 bp coding for CD69, and predicted a 199-amino acid protein of type II membrane topology, with extracellular (COOH-terminal), transmembrane, and intracellular domains [18].
  • ORF5 expression resulted in the marked augmentation of TCR signal transduction activity, evidenced by increased cellular tyrosine phosphorylation, intracellular calcium mobilization, CD69 surface expression, interleukin-2 production, and activation of the NF-AT, NF-kappa B, and AP-1 transcription factors [19].
  • TCR stimulation of JCaM1/Fyn cells induced the expression of the CD69 activation marker and inhibited cell growth, but NFAT activation and the production of interleukin-2 were markedly reduced [20].
  • When T cells were stimulated with Bead-Leu4 in microgravity culture, they were able to partially express CD69, a receptor that is constitutively stored in intracellular pools and can be expressed in the absence of new gene expression [21].
  • Homology searches revealed sequence similarity with members of a supergene family of type II integral membrane proteins with a C-type lectin domain, indicating that CD69 is involved in signal transduction [22].

Anatomical context of CD69

  • The activation of T lymphocytes, both in vivo and in vitro, induces the expression of CD69 [18].
  • The CD69 clone hybridized to a 1.7-kb mRNA species, which was rapidly induced and degraded after lymphocyte stimulation, consistent with the presence of rapid degradation signals at the 3' untranslated region [18].
  • Anti-p75 IL-2R mAb substantially inhibits the early events associated with NK cell activation by IL-2, including inhibition of cytotoxic activity and induction of the CD69 early activation antigen [23].
  • These eosinophils have an increased viability and CD69 expression 18 h after segmental allergen provocation (SAP) which is not present in peripheral blood [24].
  • Transient expression of the polypeptide encoded by CD69 cDNA in COS-7 cells demonstrated that it presented properties comparable to native CD69 protein [18].

Associations of CD69 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CD69

  • Analysis of enhancer deletion mutants revealed that proximal AP-1, OCT-1/octamer-associated protein and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) binding regions were all necessary to allow CD69-mediated enhancement of CAT activity [30].

Enzymatic interactions of CD69

  • CD69 is a phosphorylated disulfide-linked homodimer that appears on the surface of human T, B cells and thymocytes in the early steps of activation; its molecular mass is 28 to 34 kDa under reducing conditions [31].

Regulatory relationships of CD69

  • When the two mAbs were used in combination, anti-CD28 potently synergized with anti-CD3 in inducing the expression of CD69 activation marker and stimulating the proliferation of CD4+ T cells [32].
  • Finally, we found that the IL-2-induced expression of CD69 was inhibited by activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and by inhibition of the Src-family of the tyrosine protein kinase, but not by inhibition of protein kinase C or by activation of the CD45 associated tyrosine phosphatase [33].
  • Exogenous IL-15 resulted in further enhancement of anti-CD3-induced CD69 expression to a greater extent than that achieved with IL-2 [34].
  • In contrast, the phorbol esters, PdBu or PMA had little effect on CXCR6 expression (23% reduction) but induced CD69 expression and caused a profound down-regulation (92%) of CCR5 expression [35].
  • CONCLUSION: The activation antigen CD69 is significantly expressed on PB and SF neutrophils from RA patients [36].

Other interactions of CD69

  • Although the two compounds had distinctive effects on CD69 induction, they both suppressed T cell proliferation induced by anti-CD3 mAb, in a manner reversible by exogenous IL-2, suggesting that PD98059, like FK506, affects the production of, rather than the responsiveness to growth-promoting cytokines [37].
  • This autoantibody may modulate the function of CD69- and LRP2-expressing cells [1].
  • Cross-linking of CD53 with the use of the mAb MEM-53 and a polyclonal sheep anti-mouse Ig promoted activation of resting B cells into the G1 phase of the cell cycle as judged by increased expression of the early activation Ag CD69, increases in cellular volume, RNA synthesis, and c-myc protein levels, and enhanced binding of 7-aminoactinomycin D [38].
  • METHODS: The percentage expression and mean fluorescence intensity of CR2 (and three additional markers: CD19, CD69, and a standard antigen designation: HLA-DR) was measured on CD20+ B-cells using a two-color flow cytometric assay [39].
  • OBJECTIVE: It has been well established that CD69, CD44, and CD54 represent "activation markers" for cytokine-mediated eosinophil activation [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CD69


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