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Gene Review

UROD  -  uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: PCT, UPD, URO-D, Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
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Disease relevance of UROD

  • All mutations were observed in conjunction with decreased erythrocyte UROD and clinical familial porphyria cutanea tarda (fPCT), (four families) or hepatoerythropoietic porphyria (HEP), (one family) [1].
  • In contrast to the null activity previously described for a mutant UROD from a patient with familial porphyria cutanea tarda, these mutant URODs had subnormal but substantial enzyme activities, when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells [2].
  • Mild to moderate iron overload is common in PCT, as iron is one of the factors which trigger the clinical manifestations of the disease through the inactivation of URO-D [3].
  • In PCT patients with liver disease, the presence of the mutation could contribute to the inactivation of URO-D, either directly or through a synergistic action with other factors that cause liver damage [3].
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), a disorder characterized by a photosensitive dermatosis and hepatic siderosis, is caused by a decreased activity of the hepatic enzyme uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD) [4].

Psychiatry related information on UROD

  • The UPD group, although impaired on a spatial recognition task, showed intact discrimination learning and reversal; the MPD and SPD patients showed non-perseverative reversal impairments on both reversal tasks [5].
  • More visuospatial deficits tend to be found in BPD and UPD than in schizophrenia, thereby raising the possibility of greater involvement of right hemisphere systems in mood disorders [6].
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda, which is due to a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, is manifested in association with alcohol abuse, estrogen therapy, exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons or increased tissue iron stores, or a combination of these factors [7].
  • Chronic alcohol consumption in rats leads to a decrease in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity in liver and spleen, associated with a pathologic porphyrinuria [8].
  • RESULTS: UPD cases exhibited significantly more autistic-like impairments in reciprocal social interaction on questionnaire, interview and standardised observational measures [9].

High impact information on UROD


Chemical compound and disease context of UROD


Biological context of UROD


Anatomical context of UROD


Associations of UROD with chemical compounds

  • The lysine to glutamine at amino acid position 253 was found in conjunction with a single C nucleotide deletion in exon 8 on the same allele of the UROD gene in the same family [1].
  • UROD (0.03 nM) also enhanced the guanylin-induced natriuresis (to %ENa(+)=31.0+/-1.93, P<0.05, 120 min) and kaliuresis (to %EK(+)=54.2+/-3.61, P<0.05, 120 min), and inhibited the %ENa(+) of uroguanylin (0.31 muM) to 17.9+/-1.67 as well as its %EK(+) to 24.3+/-3.13 (both at 120 min, P<0.05) [27].
  • Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and its renal form (urodilatin, UROD) elicit natriuretic effects by activation of a different membrane guanylate cyclase, GC-A [27].
  • Neither ethanol nor estrogen has been shown to cause UROD-deficiency in animals [28].
  • No invariant cysteine residues were found, despite the fact that UROD isolated from different sources has been shown to be inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents [29].

Other interactions of UROD


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UROD


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