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Gene Review

Csf1  -  colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage)

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CSF-1, Csfm, MCSF, Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1
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Disease relevance of Csf1

  • Mutation of macrophage colony stimulating factor (Csf1) causes osteopetrosis in the tl rat [1].
  • In contrast to CSF-1 levels, elevated c-fms message expression persisted after resolution of the acute phase of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis [2].
  • To study the expression of CSF-1 and MCP-1 in a model of proliferative glomerulonephritis we used Northern blot analysis and immuno-histochemistry [3].
  • All these parameters were markedly abnormal in the tl rats, thus implicating Csf-1 not only in its well-established role in regulating osteoclastic bone resorption, but also in endochondral ossification [4].
  • This is the first demonstration of an auditory abnormality in an osteopetrotic animal mutation and shows that the hearing loss in tl rats can be significantly improved following treatment with CSF-1 [5].

High impact information on Csf1

  • Therefore, we examined the cellular events and intracellular signaling pathways that accompany CSF-1-induced spreading in normal osteoclasts [6].
  • Although c-fms becomes phosphorylated after CSF-1 treatment, the 85-kD protein is significantly less phosphorylated in src- osteoclast-like cells [6].
  • Src kinase activity is increased threefold after CSF-1 treatment [6].
  • Understanding the similarities and differences in the phenotypes of these two models will be important to advancing our knowledge of the many actions of CSF-1 [7].
  • The osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is a loss-of-function frameshift mutation in the rat Csf1 gene: Evidence of a crucial role for CSF-1 in osteoclastogenesis and endochondral ossification [7].

Biological context of Csf1


Anatomical context of Csf1


Associations of Csf1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Csf1

  • Nuclear run-on assays revealed that elongation of IGF-I transcripts is absent in fresh bone marrow cells but is induced several-fold after cells are cultured for 6 days with CSF-1 [14].
  • Ectopic expression of a chimeric colony-stimulating factor-1/TrkB-receptor promotes CSF-1-dependent survival of cultured sympathetic neurons [15].
  • This study examines regulation of Fc gamma R by cAMP, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and by macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1), an agent controlling Fc gamma R in leukocytes and generated by MC [16].
  • Effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) on expression of c-fos in rat mandibular molars: implications for tooth eruption [17].
  • Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showed that IL-1 alpha enhanced the expression of CSF-1 in the follicle [18].

Other interactions of Csf1

  • However, under our experimental conditions, IL1 alpha, IL2 and MCSF mRNA were not observed [19].
  • Using a quantitative, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) assay, it was shown that ODF and CSF-1 promoted osteoclastogenesis in the spleen cell cultures, but the addition of the follicle cells inhibited this and returned the TRAP activities to those seen in cultures of spleen cells only [20].
  • Our observations suggest that the CSF-1-treated mutant bones contain an abundance of mature osteoclasts, actively expressing markers for osteoclasts such as TRAP, cathepsin K, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 [10].
  • Treatment of these CSF-1-derived macrophages with IFN gamma for 6 h substantially inhibits synthesis of IGF-I mRNA [14].
  • We conclude that MC express Fc gamma R for IgG-IC that can be regulated by CSF-1, cAMP and IFN-gamma, factors that may be important in glomerular immune injury [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Csf1

  • Northern blot analysis revealed comparable amounts of CSF-1 in glomeruli isolated from control untreated rats, and from rats after 30 minutes to three weeks of injection of ATS antibody [3].
  • It is known that the skeletal defects in tl rats are greatly improved after treatment with colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) [11].
  • To define further CSF-1's role in bone remodeling, we examined the effect of neutralizing antisera to CSF-1 on basal and parathyroid hormone (PTH)-induced bone resorption using two organ culture assays designed to examine the recruitment of osteoclast precursors and the activation of mature osteoclasts, respectively [21].
  • ELISA detection of CSF-1 in tissue extracts revealed the occurrence of this cytokine in the rat cerebral cortex during postnatal development and in adults [22].
  • Immunoprecipitation of extracts of [125I] surface labeled MC with polyclonal anti-Fc gamma R-Ab followed by SDS-PAGE also showed increased amounts of [125I] Fc gamma R protein after pretreatment with CSF-1, db-cAMP or IFN-gamma [16].


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