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Gene Review

lacZ  -  beta-D-galactosidase

Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EDL933

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Disease relevance of lacZ

  • The reporter gene lacZ, encoding beta-galactosidase, and the gene encoding spiralin, an abundant surface lipoprotein of the related mollicute Spiroplasma citri, were successfully expressed [1].
  • We developed a novel triplex PCR method for detection of E. coli in which cyd gene coding for cytochrome bd complex was co-amplified along with lacZ and uidA genes [2].
  • Using reporter plasmids containing lacZ transcriptional fusions, we showed that the ipaH7.8. ipa4.5. ospC1, and ospF promoters are activated under conditions of deregulated secretion and that both MxiE and IpgC are necessary and sufficient for their activation in both Shigella flexneri and Escherichia coli [3].
  • A mycobacteriophage Ms6 strong promoter region (P(lys)) was isolated by using transcriptional fusions with the lacZ reporter gene [4].
  • Benzoate-CoA ligase assays and transcriptional analyses based on lacZ-reporter fusions revealed that benzoate degradation in Azoarcus sp. strain CIB is subject to carbon catabolite repression by some organic acids, indicating the existence of a physiological control that connects the expression of the bzd genes to the metabolic status of the cell [5].

High impact information on lacZ

  • To understand the mechanism of heat induction of sigma32 synthesis further, we analyzed expression of rpoH-lacZ gene fusions with altered stability of mRNA structure before and after heat shock [6].
  • The predatory mite was transformed with a plasmid containing the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene (lacZ) regulated by the Drosophila hsp70 heat-shock promoter [7].
  • Escherichia coli strain MM18 cells containing malE-lacZ hybrid protein was reported to accumulate prolipoprotein when they were induced with maltose [Ito, K., Bassford, P. J. & Beckwith, J. (1981) Cell 24, 707-717] [8].
  • One fusion, LexA1-87-FadR102-239, was able to repress the LexA reporter sulA-lacZ, and beta-galactosidase activities were derepressed by fatty acids, suggesting that the fusion protein had determinants both for dimerization and ligand binding [9].
  • A series of detailed point mutations in BS15 were tested for their effects upon translational repression of lacZ activity [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of lacZ


Biological context of lacZ


Anatomical context of lacZ


Associations of lacZ with chemical compounds

  • This was in contrast to the much-studied glnD99::Tn10 mutation, which carries its insertion in the 3' end of the gene, causes a complete repression of glnKp-lacZ expression under all growth conditions, and also confers leaky glutamine auxotrophy [18].
  • We assessed the transcriptional profile of uspA in S. typhimurium C5 by constructing a lacZ fusion revealing that uspA is induced by metabolic, oxidative, and temperature stresses [19].
  • Both nalidixic acid and novobiocin reduce cydA-lacZ expression in a concentration-dependent manner [20].
  • The yeeI mutants exhibited increased generation times during growth on glucose, reduced transport of methyl-alpha-d-glucopyranoside, a substrate of EIICB(Glc), reduced induction of a ptsG-lacZ operon fusion, and reduced catabolite repression in lactose/glucose diauxic growth experiments [21].
  • YtsJ activity, in contrast, was 70-fold higher with NADP+ than with NAD+, with Km values of 0.055 and 2.8 mM, respectively. lacZ fusions revealed strong transcription of ytsJ, twofold higher in malate than in glucose medium, but weak transcription of malS and mleA [22].

Other interactions of lacZ

  • The xylS promoter was fused upstream of two promoterless genes coding the lacZ gene and phoA [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of lacZ


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