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Disease relevance of Osteitis


High impact information on Osteitis

  • In patients with osteitis fibrosa as the predominant histological lesion, calcifediol therapy resulted in decreased calcification front activity [6].
  • The result was progressive disappearance of symptoms related to secondary hyperparathyroidism, healing of osteitis fibrosa, and normalization of serum concentrations of immunoreactive parathyroid hormone [7].
  • The hydrocortisone test was not helpful in patients with osteitis fibrosa [8].
  • Results of bone scintigrams using 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate were positive in only 7 of 15 patients (47%), with a correlation between positive uptake and osteitis [9].
  • All patients with serum calcium levels < 10.0 mg/dL and serum PTH levels > 125 pg/mL had either osteitis fibrosa or mixed bone lesions--a group of patients that might benefit from aggressive vitamin D therapy [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Osteitis


Biological context of Osteitis

  • The 21 patients were classified by histomorphometry as follows: osteitis fibrosa, 5; mild hyperparathyroidism, 3; normal histology, 3; aplastic, 6; and mixed lesions, 4 [10].
  • Histologic bone features were compatible with osteitis fibrosa in all patients, which suggests that the skeleton responded to the bone-remodeling effects of PTH despite hormonal resistance at other target sites [16].
  • Bone regeneration is possible in peri-implant osteitis defects if appropriate surgical techniques are used [17].

Anatomical context of Osteitis


Gene context of Osteitis

  • The osteitis fibrosa cystica was presumably due to the increased PTH, suggesting that resistance to PTH was present in kidney but not bone [23].
  • Patients with severe secondary hyperparathyroidism, usually associated with osteitis fibrosa on bone histology, show considerable resistance to Epoetin, partly because of replacement of the cellular components of the bone marrow by fibrous tissue [24].
  • Diagnosis of 1 degree HPT could only be made from recurrent urolithiasis and X-ray picture of osteitis fibrosa cystica in the past [25].
  • Prominent clinical features included nephrolithiasis in 72 subjects (56%), osteitis fibrosa cystica in 2, isolated familial hyperparathyroidism in 4 subjects in one family, 7 subjects with MEN-1 in 3 families, and 4 subjects with MEN-2 in one family [26].
  • The peak of [3H]thymidine incorporation, the maximal DNA synthesis, and the area under the growth curve were 4.4- to 6.3-fold increased in osteitis fibrosa compared to those in normal bone cells obtained from age-matched individuals [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Osteitis


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