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Health Care Costs

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Disease relevance of Health Care Costs


Psychiatry related information on Health Care Costs


High impact information on Health Care Costs

  • RESULTS--Assuming transmission rates are reduced from 25.5% to 8.3% as found in the ACTG 076 trial, treatment costs of $104,502 for 100 HIV-positive pregnant women and their newborns are offset by the reduction of $1,701,333 associated with fewer cases of pediatric HIV infection for a net savings of $1,596,831 [1].
  • Therefore, despite both the high cost of carrier testing and the relative infrequency of CF conceptions in the general population, the averted medical-care cost resulting from choices freely made are estimated to offset approximately 74%-78% of the costs of a screening program [11].
  • The average treatment costs were 25% higher in arm C as compared with arms A and B. CONCLUSION: Gemcitabine plus cisplatin and paclitaxel plus gemcitabine do not increase overall survival in patients with advanced NSCLC as compared with paclitaxel plus cisplatin [12].
  • CONCLUSION: The short administration schedule for the treatment of children with WT is no less effective than the long administration schedule and can be administered at a substantially lower total treatment cost [13].
  • RESULTS: The mean total annual direct medical care cost in 2001 for a patient with RA was 9,519 US dollars [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Health Care Costs


Biological context of Health Care Costs

  • In addition, we have also found that delayed addition of G-CSF during the mobilization of PBSC was feasible and resulted in excellent CD34+ cell counts and engraftments, and reduced treatment costs [20].

Anatomical context of Health Care Costs


Associations of Health Care Costs with chemical compounds


Gene context of Health Care Costs

  • CONCLUSIONS: Combined pharmacogenetic testing for CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 identifies patients with low risk for side effects in amitriptyline therapy and could possibly be used to individualize antidepressive regimens and reduce treatment cost [28].
  • We describe the impact of the genetic analysis for MODY 2 on diabetes management and treatment costs in a five-year-old girl [29].
  • Concurrent treatment costs were identified through chart review for days in isolation, antimicrobial therapy, and MRSA screening tests [30].
  • BACKGROUND: Infections with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species (MRSS) are associated with higher treatment costs than infections with methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus species in the United States--partly because of an increased length of hospital stay (LOS) [31].
  • The reduction of treatment costs by reducing the total G-CSF dose may be important in future treatment with this hematopoietic growth factor [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Health Care Costs


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