Gene Review:
GCK - glucokinase (hexokinase 4)
Homo sapiens
FGQTL3, GK, GLK, Glucokinase, HHF3, ...
Van Schaftingen,
- Insights into the structure and regulation of glucokinase from a novel mutation (V62M), which causes maturity-onset diabetes of the young. Gloyn, A.L., Odili, S., Zelent, D., Buettger, C., Castleden, H.A., Steele, A.M., Stride, A., Shiota, C., Magnuson, M.A., Lorini, R., d'Annunzio, G., Stanley, C.A., Kwagh, J., van Schaftingen, E., Veiga-da-Cunha, M., Barbetti, F., Dunten, P., Han, Y., Grimsby, J., Taub, R., Ellard, S., Hattersley, A.T., Matschinsky, F.M. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Nine novel mutations in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) candidate genes in 22 Spanish families. Barrio, R., Bellanné-Chantelot, C., Moreno, J.C., Morel, V., Calle, H., Alonso, M., Mustieles, C. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2002)
- Role of common sequence variants in insulin secretion in familial type 2 diabetic kindreds: the sulfonylurea receptor, glucokinase, and hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha genes. Elbein, S.C., Sun, J., Scroggin, E., Teng, K., Hasstedt, S.J. Diabetes Care (2001)
- Site-directed mutagenesis studies on the determinants of sugar specificity and cooperative behavior of human beta-cell glucokinase. Xu, L.Z., Zhang, W., Weber, I.T., Harrison, R.W., Pilkis, S.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- High prevalence of glucokinase mutations in Italian children with MODY. Influence on glucose tolerance, first-phase insulin response, insulin sensitivity and BMI. Diabetes Study Group of the Italian Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (SIEDP). Massa, O., Meschi, F., Cuesta-Munoz, A., Caumo, A., Cerutti, F., Toni, S., Cherubini, V., Guazzarotti, L., Sulli, N., Matschinsky, F.M., Lorini, R., Iafusco, D., Barbetti, F. Diabetologia (2001)
- Metabolic coupling factors in pancreatic beta-cell signal transduction. Newgard, C.B., McGarry, J.D. Annu. Rev. Biochem. (1995)
- Neonatal diabetes mellitus due to complete glucokinase deficiency. Njølstad, P.R., Søvik, O., Cuesta-Muñoz, A., Bjørkhaug, L., Massa, O., Barbetti, F., Undlien, D.E., Shiota, C., Magnuson, M.A., Molven, A., Matschinsky, F.M., Bell, G.I. N. Engl. J. Med. (2001)
- Mutations in the glucokinase gene of the fetus result in reduced birth weight. Hattersley, A.T., Beards, F., Ballantyne, E., Appleton, M., Harvey, R., Ellard, S. Nat. Genet. (1998)
- Familial hyperinsulinism caused by an activating glucokinase mutation. Glaser, B., Kesavan, P., Heyman, M., Davis, E., Cuesta, A., Buchs, A., Stanley, C.A., Thornton, P.S., Permutt, M.A., Matschinsky, F.M., Herold, K.C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1998)
- Three novel missense mutations in the glucokinase gene (G80S; E221K; G227C) in Italian subjects with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). Mutations in brief no. 162. Online. Guazzini, B., Gaffi, D., Mainieri, D., Multari, G., Cordera, R., Bertolini, S., Pozza, G., Meschi, F., Barbetti, F. Hum. Mutat. (1998)
- Missense glucokinase mutation in maturity-onset diabetes of the young and mutation screening in late-onset diabetes. Stoffel, M., Patel, P., Lo, Y.M., Hattersley, A.T., Lucassen, A.M., Page, R., Bell, J.I., Bell, G.I., Turner, R.C., Wainscoat, J.S. Nat. Genet. (1992)
- Hyperinsulinism of the newborn. Glaser, B. Semin. Perinatol. (2000)
- Modulation of glucose responsiveness of insulinoma beta-cells by graded overexpression of glucokinase. Wang, H., Iynedjian, P.B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1997)
- Fructose improves the ability of hyperglycemia per se to regulate glucose production in type 2 diabetes. Hawkins, M., Gabriely, I., Wozniak, R., Vilcu, C., Shamoon, H., Rossetti, L. Diabetes (2002)
- Functional analysis of human glucokinase gene mutations causing MODY2: exploring the regulatory mechanisms of glucokinase activity. Garc??a-Herrero, C.M., Gal??n, M., Vincent, O., Fl??ndez, B., Gargallo, M., Delgado-Alvarez, E., Bl??zquez, E., Navas, M.A. Diabetologia (2007)
- Glucokinase regulatory protein may interact with glucokinase in the hepatocyte nucleus. Brown, K.S., Kalinowski, S.S., Megill, J.R., Durham, S.K., Mookhtiar, K.A. Diabetes (1997)
- Localization of MODY3 to a 5-cM region of human chromosome 12. Menzel, S., Yamagata, K., Trabb, J.B., Nerup, J., Permutt, M.A., Fajans, S.S., Menzel, R., Iwasaki, N., Omori, Y., Cox, N.J. Diabetes (1995)
- From clinicogenetic studies of maturity-onset diabetes of the young to unraveling complex mechanisms of glucokinase regulation. Sagen, J.V., Odili, S., Bjørkhaug, L., Zelent, D., Buettger, C., Kwagh, J., Stanley, C., Dahl-Jørgensen, K., de Beaufort, C., Bell, G.I., Han, Y., Grimsby, J., Taub, R., Molven, A., Søvik, O., Njølstad, P.R., Matschinsky, F.M. Diabetes (2006)
- Diagnostic heterogeneity of diabetes in lean young adults: classification based on immunological and genetic parameters. Dussoix, P., Vaxillaire, M., Iynedjian, P.B., Tiercy, J.M., Ruiz, J., Spinas, G.A., Berger, W., Zahnd, G., Froguel, P., Philippe, J. Diabetes (1997)
- An allosteric activator of glucokinase impairs the interaction of glucokinase and glucokinase regulatory protein and regulates glucose metabolism. Futamura, M., Hosaka, H., Kadotani, A., Shimazaki, H., Sasaki, K., Ohyama, S., Nishimura, T., Eiki, J., Nagata, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Mutations in the glucokinase regulatory protein gene in 2p23 in obese French caucasians. Veiga-da-Cunha, M., Delplanque, J., Gillain, A., Bonthron, D.T., Boutin, P., Van Schaftingen, E., Froguel, P. Diabetologia (2003)
- Co-localization of the ketohexokinase and glucokinase regulator genes to a 500-kb region of chromosome 2p23. Hayward, B.E., Fantes, J.A., Warner, J.P., Intody, S., Leek, J.P., Markham, A.F., Bonthron, D.T. Mamm. Genome (1996)
- Stat 5B, activated by insulin in a Jak-independent fashion, plays a role in glucokinase gene transcription. Sawka-Verhelle, D., Tartare-Deckert, S., Decaux, J.F., Girard, J., Van Obberghen, E. Endocrinology (2000)
- Enzymatic assay of magnesium through glucokinase activation. Fossati, P., Sirtoli, M., Tarenghi, G., Giachetti, M., Berti, G. Clin. Chem. (1989)
- Regulation of glucose production by the liver. Nordlie, R.C., Foster, J.D., Lange, A.J. Annu. Rev. Nutr. (1999)
- Importance of cysteine residues for the stability and catalytic activity of human pancreatic beta cell glucokinase. Tiedge, M., Richter, T., Lenzen, S. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2000)
- PDX-1 induces insulin and glucokinase gene expressions in alphaTC1 clone 6 cells in the presence of betacellulin. Watada, H., Kajimoto, Y., Miyagawa, J., Hanafusa, T., Hamaguchi, K., Matsuoka, T., Yamamoto, K., Matsuzawa, Y., Kawamori, R., Yamasaki, Y. Diabetes (1996)
- BETA2 activates transcription from the upstream glucokinase gene promoter in islet beta-cells and gut endocrine cells. Moates, J.M., Nanda, S., Cissell, M.A., Tsai, M.J., Stein, R. Diabetes (2003)
- Regulation of endogenous glucose production by glucose per se is impaired in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mevorach, M., Giacca, A., Aharon, Y., Hawkins, M., Shamoon, H., Rossetti, L. J. Clin. Invest. (1998)
- Hepatic function in a family with a nonsense mutation (R154X) in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha/MODY1 gene. Lindner, T., Gragnoli, C., Furuta, H., Cockburn, B.N., Petzold, C., Rietzsch, H., Weiss, U., Schulze, J., Bell, G.I. J. Clin. Invest. (1997)
- The genetic abnormality in the beta cell determines the response to an oral glucose load. Stride, A., Vaxillaire, M., Tuomi, T., Barbetti, F., Njølstad, P.R., Hansen, T., Costa, A., Conget, I., Pedersen, O., Søvik, O., Lorini, R., Groop, L., Froguel, P., Hattersley, A.T. Diabetologia (2002)
- Mutation screening in 18 Caucasian families suggest the existence of other MODY genes. Chèvre, J.C., Hani, E.H., Boutin, P., Vaxillaire, M., Blanché, H., Vionnet, N., Pardini, V.C., Timsit, J., Larger, E., Charpentier, G., Beckers, D., Maes, M., Bellanné-Chantelot, C., Velho, G., Froguel, P. Diabetologia (1998)
- Routine mutation screening of HNF-1alpha and GCK genes in MODY diagnosis: how effective are the techniques of DHPLC and direct sequencing used in combination? Boutin, P., Vasseur, F., Samson, C., Wahl, C., Froguel, P. Diabetologia (2001)
- Identification of glucokinase mutation in subjects with post-renal transplantation diabetes mellitus. Nam, J.H., Lee, H.C., Kim, Y.H., Cha, B.S., Song, Y.D., Lim, S.K., Kim, K.R., Huh, K.B. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. (2000)
- Insulin induction of glucokinase and fatty acid synthase in hepatocytes: analysis of the roles of sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein-1c and liver X receptor. Hansmannel, F., Mordier, S., Iynedjian, P.B. Biochem. J. (2006)
- Human liver glucokinase gene: cloning and sequence determination of two alternatively spliced cDNAs. Tanizawa, Y., Koranyi, L.I., Welling, C.M., Permutt, M.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1991)