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Chemical Compound Review

proctolin     (2S,3R)-2-[[(2S)-1-[(2S)-2- [[(2S)-2-[[(2S)...

Synonyms: Gut factor, CHEMBL295536, AG-G-04994, AC1L3XAD, AC1Q5JQC, ...
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Disease relevance of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl

  • To study this issue in the crab Cancer borealis, we incubated exogenous proctolin (10(-5) M) with either the thoracic ganglion (TG) or with conditioned saline (CS) that had been preincubated with the TG [1].
  • In the hindleg extensor tibiae muscle of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, the proctolin analogue [Afb (p-NO2)2]-proctolin is also able to potentiate neurally evoked contractions but is approximately 1,000-fold less effective in evoking contractures [2].
  • At the threshold concentration (1-10 pmol l(-1)), the neuropeptide hormones proctolin (PR) and the FLRFamide-like peptide (FLP) F(2) cause an increase in amplitude of electrically evoked contractions (each contraction is a brief tetanus) of lobster heart ostial muscle [3].

Psychiatry related information on Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl


High impact information on Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl

  • Thus, proctolin is a cardioactive peptide, a skeletal neuromuscular transmitter, a hindgut neuropeptide, a peptide of CNS interneurons (Keshishian & O'Shea 1984) and may have humoral roles [5].
  • Muscle contraction may be induced by a neuropeptide without depolarization of the muscle cells, for example see proctolin [5].
  • In competition-based studies, the CG6986 receptor binds proctolin with high affinity (IC(50) = 4 nM) [6].
  • Identification and characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor for the neuropeptide proctolin in Drosophilamelanogaster [6].
  • Proctolin is a bioactive neuropeptide that modulates interneuronal and neuromuscular synaptic transmission in a wide variety of arthropods [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl

  • A comparison of the map for serotonin immunoreactivity with one generated for the pentapeptide transmitter proctolin suggests that the two systems overlap only in the suboesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebrum [7].
  • Both octopamine and proctolin have been found in Limulus cardiac ganglion [8].
  • In the isolated stomatogastric ganglion, red-pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH), but not proctolin, activated the bursting activity in the inferior ventricular (IV) neurons that drives the cardiac sac pattern [9].
  • The results do not suggest that proctolin-like and dopamine-like immunoreactivity co-localize, but in the subesophageal ganglion there was a region of close proximity [10].
  • The enhancement of high K+-induced contractures by proctolin (1 micromol l-1) was mimicked upon application of the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol-12-myristate 1-acetate (PMA) and was inhibited by the PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide (BIM-1) [11].

Biological context of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl


Anatomical context of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl

  • Neuropeptide proctolin (H-Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH): immunological detection and neuronal localization in insect central nervous system [14].
  • Proctolin-like immunoreactivity is present in nearly every portion of the lobster nervous system; immunoreactivity is found in the brain, in each of the ganglia and connectives of the ventral nerve cord, and in many of the nerve roots that emerge from the cord [15].
  • Force measurements and current-clamp experiments revealed two actions of proctolin on the muscle fibers [12].
  • The neuropeptide proctolin acts as a neuromuscular co-transmitter in insect skeletal muscle [16].
  • The nerve endings in pericardial organs are capable of releasing proctolin-like material when depolarized in the presence of Ca++ [15].

Associations of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Arginyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-prolyl-threonyl


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