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Wounds, Stab

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Disease relevance of Wounds, Stab


Psychiatry related information on Wounds, Stab


High impact information on Wounds, Stab

  • To examine the function of Olig2 in brain lesion, we injected retroviral vectors containing a dominant negative form of Olig2 into the lesioned cortex 2 days after a stab wound [1].
  • At brain stab wounds, microglia progressively accumulated over several days and formed aggregates that frequently showed Cx43 immunoreactivity at interfaces between cells [7].
  • Rabbit fibroblasts infected with a retroviral vector containing the human IL-1ra gene were implanted into the wound cavity immediately following a cortical stab wound or 6 hours after a weight drop-induced trauma [8].
  • We studied 324 patients admitted to Harlem Hospital Center from July 1981 to June 1986 with stab wounds of the thoracoabdominal region (area limited by a coronal circle through the fifth interspaces anteriorly and seventh interspaces posteriorly from above to a subcostal circle 5 cm caudad to the costal margins and 12th ribs from below) [9].
  • Additional rats were examined after a stab wound injury to assess the expression of two of these markers, GFAP and nestin, in reactive astrocytes [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Wounds, Stab


Biological context of Wounds, Stab


Anatomical context of Wounds, Stab


Gene context of Wounds, Stab


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Wounds, Stab

  • The extravasation of albumin around small cerebral stab wounds in the rat frontal cortex was studied by fluorescence microscopy after i.v. injection of Evans blue-labeled albumin and by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis after i.v. injection of bovine albumin, in both nonintoxicated and ethanol-intoxicated rats [3].
  • Brains of rats that had received needle stab wounds were examined sequentially for 72 h by immunohistochemistry using antibodies to beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) [27].
  • Cortical stab wound injury resulted in HO-1 induction as determined by Western blot analysis [23].
  • Using the antibody and GIF cDNA probe, we investigated changes of GIF and GIF mRNA by Western and Northern blotting techniques in rat brains after stab wounds [28].
  • Under arthroscopic view, a slotted cannula was inserted into the digital sheath through a stab wound proximal to the annular ligament and advanced through the fetlock canal superficial to the flexor tendons with the slot oriented toward the fibers of the annular ligament [29].


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  2. Regulation of gene expression in response to brain injury: enhanced expression and alternative splicing of rat prosaposin (SGP-1) mRNA in injured brain. Hiraiwa, M., Liu, J., Lu, A.G., Wang, C.Y., Misasi, R., Yamauchi, T., Hozumi, I., Inuzuka, T., O'Brien, J.S. J. Neurotrauma (2003) [Pubmed]
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