MeSH Review:
Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
- Effect of six weeks of treatment with cisapride in gastroparesis and intestinal pseudoobstruction. Camilleri, M., Malagelada, J.R., Abell, T.L., Brown, M.L., Hench, V., Zinsmeister, A.R. Gastroenterology (1989)
- Enteric neuronal autoantibodies in pseudoobstruction with small-cell lung carcinoma. Lennon, V.A., Sas, D.F., Busk, M.F., Scheithauer, B., Malagelada, J.R., Camilleri, M., Miller, L.J. Gastroenterology (1991)
- Selenium deficiency and fatal cardiomyopathy in a patient on home parenteral nutrition. Fleming, C.R., Lie, J.T., McCall, J.T., O'Brien, J.F., Baillie, E.E., Thistle, J.L. Gastroenterology (1982)
- Peripheral neuropathy with hypomyelination, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and deafness: a developmental "neural crest syndrome" related to a SOX10 mutation. Pingault, V., Guiochon-Mantel, A., Bondurand, N., Faure, C., Lacroix, C., Lyonnet, S., Goossens, M., Landrieu, P. Ann. Neurol. (2000)
- Polyneuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, leukoencephalopathy, and intestinal pseudo-obstruction: POLIP syndrome. Simon, L.T., Horoupian, D.S., Dorfman, L.J., Marks, M., Herrick, M.K., Wasserstein, P., Smith, M.E. Ann. Neurol. (1990)
- Anorexia nervosa with ischemic necrosis of the segmental ileum and cecum. Yamada, Y., Nishimura, S., Inoue, T., Tsujimura, T., Fushimi, H. Intern. Med. (2001)
- Elevated prostaglandin e in idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Luderer, J.R., Demers, L.M., Bonnem, E.M., Saleem, A., Jeffries, G.H. N. Engl. J. Med. (1976)
- Myxedema ileus. A form of intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Abbasi, A.A., Douglass, R.C., Bissell, G.W., Chen, Y. JAMA (1975)
- Smoothelin-a is essential for functional intestinal smooth muscle contractility in mice. Niessen, P., Rensen, S., van Deursen, J., De Man, J., De Laet, A., Vanderwinden, J.M., Wedel, T., Baker, D., Doevendans, P., Hofker, M., Gijbels, M., van Eys, G. Gastroenterology (2005)
- Cisapride in children with chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction. An acute, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled trial. Di Lorenzo, C., Reddy, S.N., Villanueva-Meyer, J., Mena, I., Martin, S., Hyman, P.E. Gastroenterology (1991)
- Paralytic ileus associated with ipratropium. Markus, H.S. Lancet (1990)
- Impaired transit of chyme in chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction. Correction by cisapride. Camilleri, M., Brown, M.L., Malagelada, J.R. Gastroenterology (1986)
- Domperidone in chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction. Turgeon, D.K. Gastroenterology (1990)
- Octreotide treatment of chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction secondary to connective tissue diseases. Perlemuter, G., Cacoub, P., Chaussade, S., Wechsler, B., Couturier, D., Piette, J.C. Arthritis Rheum. (1999)
- Pathogenesis of paralytic ileus: intestinal manipulation opens a transient pathway between the intestinal lumen and the leukocytic infiltrate of the jejunal muscularis. Schwarz, N.T., Beer-Stolz, D., Simmons, R.L., Bauer, A.J. Ann. Surg. (2002)
- The absence of protein--sparing effects utilizing crystalline amino acids in stressed patients. Ching, N., Mills, C.J., Grossi, C., Angers, J.W., Jham, G., Zurawinsky, H., Nealon, T.F. Ann. Surg. (1979)
- Ileal and colonic contractions by endothelin-1 in experimentally induced paralytic ileus in rats. Tekin, E., Taneri, F., Ersoy, E., Bozkurt, S., Yavuzer, R., Ercan, S., Oguz, M. Gen. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Deranged smooth muscle alpha-actin as a biomarker of intestinal pseudo-obstruction: a controlled multinational case series. Knowles, C.H., Silk, D.B., Darzi, A., Veress, B., Feakins, R., Raimundo, A.H., Crompton, T., Browning, E.C., Lindberg, G., Martin, J.E. Gut (2004)
- DNA viruses in the pathogenesis of sporadic chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Debinski, H.S., Kamm, M.A., Talbot, I.C., Khan, G., Kangro, H.O., Jeffries, D.J. Gut (1997)
- Myasthenia gravis, thymoma, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antibody. Pande, R., Leis, A.A. Muscle Nerve (1999)
- Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction associated with biliary tract dilatation in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Pardos-Gea, J., Ordi-Ros, J., Selva, A., Perez-Lopez, J., Balada, E., Vilardell, M. Lupus (2005)
- Plasma catecholamine levels in the postoperative period in complication-free and "paralytic" ileus patients. Tárnoky, K., Szenohradszky, J., Petri, G. Acta chirurgica Hungarica. (1987)
- SOX10 mutations in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction suggest a complex physiopathological mechanism. Pingault, V., Girard, M., Bondurand, N., Dorkins, H., Van Maldergem, L., Mowat, D., Shimotake, T., Verma, I., Baumann, C., Goossens, M. Hum. Genet. (2002)
- Ulcerative proctitis, rectal prolapse, and intestinal pseudo-obstruction in transgenic mice overexpressing hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor. Takayama, H., Takagi, H., Larochelle, W.J., Kapur, R.P., Merlino, G. Lab. Invest. (2001)
- Chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction associated with autoantibodies against proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Nojima, Y., Mimura, T., Hamasaki, K., Furuya, H., Tanaka, G., Nakajima, A., Matsuhashi, N., Yazaki, Y. Arthritis Rheum. (1996)
- Paralytic ileus in MELAS with phenotypic features of MNGIE. Chang, T.M., Chi, C.S., Tsai, C.R., Lee, H.F., Li, M.C. Pediatric neurology. (2004)
- A lack of intestinal pacemaker (c-kit) in aganglionic bowel of patients with Hirschsprung's disease. Yamataka, A., Kato, Y., Tibboel, D., Murata, Y., Sueyoshi, N., Fujimoto, T., Nishiye, H., Miyano, T. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1995)
- Gastrointestinal motility disorders in scleroderma. Sjogren, R.W. Arthritis Rheum. (1994)
- A multicentre randomised trial comparing octreotide and injection sclerotherapy in the management and outcome of acute variceal haemorrhage. Jenkins, S.A., Shields, R., Davies, M., Elias, E., Turnbull, A.J., Bassendine, M.F., James, O.F., Iredale, J.P., Vyas, S.K., Arthur, M.J., Kingsnorth, A.N., Sutton, R. Gut (1997)
- Vincristine-induced paralytic ileus: role of fiberoptic colonoscopy and prostaglandin F2 alpha. Ikehara, O. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1992)
- Predicting the clinical response to cisapride in children with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Hyman, P.E., Di Lorenzo, C., McAdams, L., Flores, A.F., Tomomasa, T., Garvey, T.Q. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1993)
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction following the use of enteral charcoal and sorbitol and mechanical ventilation with papaveretum sedation for theophylline poisoning. Longdon, P., Henderson, A. Drug safety : an international journal of medical toxicology and drug experience. (1992)