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Chemical Compound Review

Rel-Cisapride     4-amino-5-chloro-N-[(3R,4S)- 1-[3-(4...

Synonyms: CHEMBL74656, AC1NSJW8, SureCN1759279, BSPBio_000420, BPBio1_000462, ...
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Disease relevance of cisapride


Psychiatry related information on cisapride


High impact information on cisapride

  • Generalized sympathetic and vagal dysfunctions influence the response of patients with neuropathic chronic intestinal motility disorder to two doses of cisapride [11].
  • Cisapride induced some changes in motor activity but did not accelerate the recovery of normal motility [12].
  • They were treated with rectal cisapride (30 mg three times daily) or placebo until the clinical resolution of ileus [12].
  • Statistical analysis compared symptom response among treatment and autonomic dysfunction groups and assessed the influence of absence of migrating motor complexes and presence of postprandial antral hypomotility on symptomatic responses to cisapride [11].
  • Cisapride improves gallbladder contractility and bile lipid composition in an animal model of gallstone disease [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of cisapride


Biological context of cisapride

  • Cisapride facilitates gastric emptying in patients with upper gut dysmotility [19].
  • The propulsive efficiency (i.e., number of peristalses and total amount of fluid ejected per unit of time) of isolated segments of ileum was enhanced by cisapride (100 nM to 3 microM) [20].
  • The amplitude of fast nicotinic excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded from S cells was increased by cisapride in the concentration range of 10 nM to 1 microM [20].
  • Cisapride (10-300 nM) did not affect the membrane potential, resting properties, or active properties of S neurons [20].
  • Cisapride inhibited I(Kr), the major time-dependent outward current elicited by short pulses (I[K250]) to low depolarizing potentials, in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 of 15 nmol/L (therapeutic levels, 50 to 200 nmol/L) [21].

Anatomical context of cisapride

  • CONTEXT: Cisapride, a gastrointestinal tract promotility agent, can cause life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias in patients susceptible either because of concurrent use of medications that interfere with cisapride metabolism or prolong the QT interval or because of the presence of other diseases that predispose to such arrhythmias [22].
  • Cisapride renders biliary lipid composition towards normal by enhancing gallbladder (and possibly intestinal) motility and cycling of the bile salt pool, thereby increasing bile salt secretion [13].
  • These data indicate that cisapride facilitates cholinergic transmission in the myenteric plexus of guinea pig ileum and that this effect may be at least partially responsible for the increased propulsive efficiency observed in ileal segments [20].
  • Transiently expressed in COS-7 cells, this receptor stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity and is sensitive to the benzamide derivative cisapride [23].
  • Overall, 112 myocytes were exposed to seven concentrations of cisapride (10 nmol/L to 10 micromol/L) [21].

Associations of cisapride with other chemical compounds


Gene context of cisapride

  • All HERG channels had similar sensitivity to block by cisapride [29].
  • On the other hand, cisapride strongly inhibited CYP3A4 and markedly inhibited CYP2C9 [30].
  • Interaction of cisapride with the human cytochrome P450 system: metabolism and inhibition studies [31].
  • RESULTS: The rate of biotransformation of cisapride was greater by recombinant CYP3A4 than by CYP3A7 (0.77 +/- 0.5 and 0.01 +/- 0.01 nmol metabolites formed in 24 h, respectively), whereas CYP1A1, 1A2, 2C8, 2C9 and 3A5 showed no activity [32].
  • Formation rate of NORCIS from 10 microM cisapride in 14 HLMs was highly variable (range, 4.9-133.6 pmol/min/mg of protein) and significantly correlated with the activities of CYP3A (r = 0.86, P =. 0001), CYP2C19, and 1A2 [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cisapride


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  7. Intravenous cisapride accelerates delayed gastric emptying and increases antral contraction amplitude in patients with primary anorexia nervosa. Stacher, G., Bergmann, H., Wiesnagrotzki, S., Kiss, A., Schneider, C., Mittelbach, G., Gaupmann, G., Höbart, J. Gastroenterology (1987) [Pubmed]
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  12. Small bowel motility following major intra-abdominal surgery: the effects of opiates and rectal cisapride. Benson, M.J., Roberts, J.P., Wingate, D.L., Rogers, J., Deeks, J.J., Castillo, F.D., Williams, N.S. Gastroenterology (1994) [Pubmed]
  13. Cisapride improves gallbladder contractility and bile lipid composition in an animal model of gallstone disease. Xu, Q.W., Shaffer, E.A. Gastroenterology (1993) [Pubmed]
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  18. Domperidone is more effective than cisapride in children with diabetic gastroparesis. Franzese, A., Borrelli, O., Corrado, G., Rea, P., Di Nardo, G., Grandinetti, A.L., Dito, L., Cucchiara, S. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. (2002) [Pubmed]
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  21. Block of the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current by the prokinetic agent cisapride underlies drug-related lengthening of the QT interval. Drolet, B., Khalifa, M., Daleau, P., Hamelin, B.A., Turgeon, J. Circulation (1998) [Pubmed]
  22. Contraindicated use of cisapride: impact of food and drug administration regulatory action. Smalley, W., Shatin, D., Wysowski, D.K., Gurwitz, J., Andrade, S.E., Goodman, M., Chan, K.A., Platt, R., Schech, S.D., Ray, W.A. JAMA (2000) [Pubmed]
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