MeSH Review:
Paracrine Communication
- Interaction of Agouti protein with the melanocortin 1 receptor in vitro and in vivo. Ollmann, M.M., Lamoreux, M.L., Wilson, B.D., Barsh, G.S. Genes Dev. (1998)
- Oxytocin synthesis and oxytocin receptor expression by cell lines of human small cell carcinoma of the lung stimulate tumor growth through autocrine/paracrine signaling. Péqueux, C., Breton, C., Hendrick, J.C., Hagelstein, M.T., Martens, H., Winkler, R., Geenen, V., Legros, J.J. Cancer Res. (2002)
- Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase-beta is a prognostic marker and therapeutic target in gynecologic malignancies. Springett, G.M., Bonham, L., Hummer, A., Linkov, I., Misra, D., Ma, C., Pezzoni, G., Di Giovine, S., Singer, J., Kawasaki, H., Spriggs, D., Soslow, R., Dupont, J. Cancer Res. (2005)
- Localization of cyclooxygenase-2 in human sporadic colorectal adenomas. Chapple, K.S., Cartwright, E.J., Hawcroft, G., Tisbury, A., Bonifer, C., Scott, N., Windsor, A.C., Guillou, P.J., Markham, A.F., Coletta, P.L., Hull, M.A. Am. J. Pathol. (2000)
- Hair-cycle-dependent expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein and its type I receptor: evidence for regulation at the anagen to catagen transition. Cho, Y.M., Woodard, G.L., Dunbar, M., Gocken, T., Jimènez, J.A., Foley, J. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2003)
- Paracrine signaling through the JAK/STAT pathway activates invasive behavior of ovarian epithelial cells in Drosophila. Silver, D.L., Montell, D.J. Cell (2001)
- An autoregulatory cascade of EGF receptor signaling patterns the Drosophila egg. Wasserman, J.D., Freeman, M. Cell (1998)
- Vasculogenesis. Risau, W., Flamme, I. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Paracrine intercellular communication by a Ca2+- and SNARE-independent release of GABA and glutamate prior to synapse formation. Demarque, M., Represa, A., Becq, H., Khalilov, I., Ben-Ari, Y., Aniksztejn, L. Neuron (2002)
- Surface expression, polarization, and functional significance of CD73 in human intestinal epithelia. Strohmeier, G.R., Lencer, W.I., Patapoff, T.W., Thompson, L.F., Carlson, S.L., Moe, S.J., Carnes, D.K., Mrsny, R.J., Madara, J.L. J. Clin. Invest. (1997)
- Epidermal growth factor-like ligands differentially up-regulate matrix metalloproteinase 9 in head and neck squamous carcinoma cells. O-charoenrat, P., Modjtahedi, H., Rhys-Evans, P., Court, W.J., Box, G.M., Eccles, S.A. Cancer Res. (2000)
- Water induces autocrine stimulation of tumor cell killing through ATP release and P2 receptor binding. Selzner, N., Selzner, M., Graf, R., Ungethuem, U., Fitz, J.G., Clavien, P.A. Cell Death Differ. (2004)
- Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)-encoded cytokines induce expression of and autocrine signaling by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in HHV-8-infected primary-effusion lymphoma cell lines and mediate VEGF-independent antiapoptotic effects. Liu, C., Okruzhnov, Y., Li, H., Nicholas, J. J. Virol. (2001)
- Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP): a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein with distinct paracrine and intracrine roles. Jans, D.A., Thomas, R.J., Gillespie, M.T. Vitam. Horm. (2003)
- Bv8 and endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor stimulate hematopoiesis and hematopoietic cell mobilization. LeCouter, J., Zlot, C., Tejada, M., Peale, F., Ferrara, N. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Indian hedgehog and beta-catenin signaling: role in the sebaceous lineage of normal and neoplastic mammalian epidermis. Niemann, C., Unden, A.B., Lyle, S., Zouboulis, C.h.C., Toftgård, R., Watt, F.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Obesity, diabetes, and neoplasia in yellow A(vy)/- mice: ectopic expression of the agouti gene. Yen, T.T., Gill, A.M., Frigeri, L.G., Barsh, G.S., Wolff, G.L. FASEB J. (1994)
- Glucose inhibition of glucagon secretion from rat alpha-cells is mediated by GABA released from neighboring beta-cells. Wendt, A., Birnir, B., Buschard, K., Gromada, J., Salehi, A., Sewing, S., Rorsman, P., Braun, M. Diabetes (2004)
- Dysmorphogenesis of kidney cortical peritubular capillaries in angiopoietin-2-deficient mice. Pitera, J.E., Woolf, A.S., Gale, N.W., Yancopoulos, G.D., Yuan, H.T. Am. J. Pathol. (2004)
- Retinoic acid guides eye morphogenetic movements via paracrine signaling but is unnecessary for retinal dorsoventral patterning. Molotkov, A., Molotkova, N., Duester, G. Development (2006)
- Amphiregulin-dependent proliferation of cultured human keratinocytes: autocrine growth, the effects of exogenous recombinant cytokine, and apparent requirement for heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. Piepkorn, M., Lo, C., Plowman, G. J. Cell. Physiol. (1994)
- Glucose stimulates glucagon release in single rat alpha-cells by mechanisms that mirror the stimulus-secretion coupling in beta-cells. Olsen, H.L., Theander, S., Bokvist, K., Buschard, K., Wollheim, C.B., Gromada, J. Endocrinology (2005)
- Coupled site-directed mutagenesis/transgenesis identifies important functional domains of the mouse agouti protein. Perry, W.L., Nakamura, T., Swing, D.A., Secrest, L., Eagleson, B., Hustad, C.M., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A. Genetics (1996)
- Co-expression of prostaglandin receptors with opposite effects: a model for homeostatic control of autocrine and paracrine signaling. Ashby, B. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1998)
- Foxf1 and Foxf2 control murine gut development by limiting mesenchymal Wnt signaling and promoting extracellular matrix production. Ormestad, M., Astorga, J., Landgren, H., Wang, T., Johansson, B.R., Miura, N., Carlsson, P. Development (2006)
- Targeting endogenous transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling in SMAD4-deficient human pancreatic carcinoma cells inhibits their invasive phenotype1. Subramanian, G., Schwarz, R.E., Higgins, L., McEnroe, G., Chakravarty, S., Dugar, S., Reiss, M. Cancer Res. (2004)
- Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression by insulin-like growth factor I in thyroid carcinomas. Poulaki, V., Mitsiades, C.S., McMullan, C., Sykoutri, D., Fanourakis, G., Kotoula, V., Tseleni-Balafouta, S., Koutras, D.A., Mitsiades, N. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2003)
- Sertoli cell differentiation is induced both cell-autonomously and through prostaglandin signaling during mammalian sex determination. Wilhelm, D., Martinson, F., Bradford, S., Wilson, M.J., Combes, A.N., Beverdam, A., Bowles, J., Mizusaki, H., Koopman, P. Dev. Biol. (2005)
- Co-expression of VEGF, c-Met and HGF/SF in secondary pleural tumors. Naim, R., Tolnay, E., Mueller, K.M., Kuhnen, C. Int. J. Mol. Med. (2004)