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Oxyphil Cells

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Disease relevance of Oxyphil Cells


High impact information on Oxyphil Cells

  • Oxyphil cells had little or no PTH expression, except in the associated 'colloid' in some cases [5].
  • The prolonged retention of tetrofosmin may not depend on the number of mitochondria-rich oxyphil cells [6].
  • The immunophenotype of the oncocytes provide evidence for an origin from the distal nephron [7].
  • In addition, the immunoperoxidase method for CO makes possible retrospective investigations of lesions composed of oncocytes, since routine paraffin blocks of formalin-fixed tissue are quite suitable for such studies [8].
  • Mitochondrial anomalies in renal oncocytes induced in rat by N-nitrosomorpholine [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Oxyphil Cells


Biological context of Oxyphil Cells


Anatomical context of Oxyphil Cells

  • Glutaurine (gamma-L-glutamyl taurine), a proposed hormone isolated from parathyroid gland oxyphil cells, was examined for its effect on circulating thyroid hormones in the rat [12].
  • Histopathological examination of glands revealed that Cipro at doses of 40 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg induces morphological changes in the glands including irregular shape of the cerous and mucous bobbles, lack of nucleus in some cells, damage of the cytoplasmic and cell walls and presence of oncocytes in secretory ducts [13].
  • Finally, pleomorphic Hürthle cells may be present in aspirates from Hürthle cell neoplasms and underdiagnosed as HT, especially when they are associated with a few lymphocytes [14].
  • It was interesting to find positivity for Factor VIII-related antigen and ulex europaeus lectin I strictly confined in the nodule of oxyphil cells, which are known to have large numbers of mitochondria [15].

Associations of Oxyphil Cells with chemical compounds

  • Pulmonary oncocytes in prolonged hyperoxia [16].
  • The characteristic over-expression of GLUT1 may be used as a diagnostic criterion for the discrimination between oncocytes and acidophilic (granular) cells in clear/acidophilic renal cell tumours which show a reduced expression of this glucose transporter protein [17].
  • Oncocytes independently of their localization in this or that organ contain serotonin and high activity of succinate dehydrogenase [18].
  • Nodular arrangement and an increased number of oxyphil and transitional oxyphil cells were noted in cases with advanced histological kidney changes but normal serum creatinine levels [19].
  • Instead, Triticum vulgaris (wheat germ agglutinin; WGA) and Concanavalin A (ConA) lectins were seen to stain the oncocytes specifically, suggesting that these lectins are useful to further characterize oncocytomas [20].

Gene context of Oxyphil Cells

  • The exact significance of p53 overexpression in the Hurthle cells needs further evaluation [21].
  • The rate of PTHrP-positive cells was higher in areas consisting of oxyphil cells than in those of non-oxyphil cells, regardless of whether the parathyroid was normal or pathological [22].
  • Cytochrome-c oxidase showed a heterogeneous reaction pattern in oxyphil cells, with scattered foci of oxyphil cells lacking cytochrome-c oxidase staining [23].
  • An immunohistochemical study of progesterone receptor in thyroidal Hürthle cells tumors [24].
  • Thirteen (13) cases of oncocytoma were characterized by the diversity of the structures including to be nest, tubular and papillary in pattern; a mixture of cell types including the classic oncocytes, oncoblasts and clear cells which were negative for vimentin and CK7 but positive for EMA [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Oxyphil Cells


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  4. GLUT1 glucose transporter expression in benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Haber, R.S., Weiser, K.R., Pritsker, A., Reder, I., Burstein, D.E. Thyroid (1997) [Pubmed]
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