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Candidiasis, Oral

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Disease relevance of Candidiasis, Oral


High impact information on Candidiasis, Oral


Chemical compound and disease context of Candidiasis, Oral


Biological context of Candidiasis, Oral


Anatomical context of Candidiasis, Oral


Gene context of Candidiasis, Oral

  • In summary, MUC7 12-mer peptides appear to be excellent candidates for investigation of antifungal activity in in vivo models of oral candidiasis [23].
  • If C. albicans uses MMPs (mainly MMP-9) to disseminate, inhibition of this protease could be of interest in treating a variety of inflammatory disorders, including oral candidiasis [24].
  • The results support previous conclusions that IL-4 is associated with resistance to oral candidiasis and suggest that NO is involved in controlling colonization of the oral mucosal surface with C. albicans [25].
  • Antifungal activity of human salivary mucin-derived peptide, MUC7 12-mer, in a murine model of oral candidiasis [26].
  • The rationale of this study was to investigate the involvement of IL-18 in the inflammatory response against oral candidiasis [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Candidiasis, Oral


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