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Disease relevance of Hemoglobinopathies


High impact information on Hemoglobinopathies

  • In this report we summarize our experience with prenatal diagnosis in 95 pregnancies in which the fetus was at risk for a hemoglobinopathy; the diagnosis was performed with use of DNA polymorphisms located so near the beta-globin gene that they are inherited along with that gene [6].
  • Oxygen transport to and substrate turnover in leg muscle were studied at rest and during light and heavy upright bicycle exercise in two brothers with a hereditary hemoglobinopathy associated with high oxygen affinity (P50 = 13 mmHg) [7].
  • Serial samples from a cohort of multitransfused patients with hemoglobinopathies and a cross-sectional population of pregnant women were tested for B19 markers [8].
  • Related CBT for hemoglobinopathies offers a good probability of success and is associated with a low risk of GVHD [9].
  • These results suggest that strategies designed to antagonize EKLF function in adults with hemoglobinopathy, in an attempt to reactivate gamma-globin gene expression, may adversely affect other essential aspects of red blood cell physiology [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hemoglobinopathies

  • Our findings indicate that NaPA and NaPB, both already proven safe and effective in treatment of children with urea cycle disorders, might benefit also patients with severe hemoglobinopathies [11].
  • Butyric acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid, has been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin in BFUe cultures, in primates, and in patients with beta chain hemoglobinopathies [12].
  • The fact that valproic acid, a derivative of pentanoic acid, also induces gamma-globin expression suggests that short-chain fatty acid derivatives that are already approved for human use may possess the property of gamma-globin inducibility and may be of therapeutic relevance to the beta-chain hemoglobinopathies [13].
  • We describe a novel thalassemic hemoglobinopathy caused by a single nucleotide substitution (CTG-->CCG) at codon 114 resulting in a leucine to proline substitution and designate it beta Durham-NC [beta 114 Leu-->Pro] [14].
  • Examination of the proliferative state of the erythropoietic precursors using high specific activity tritium-labeled thymidine revealed that almost none of the cells in normal men or patients with hemoglobinopathies were in the DNA synthetic phase [15].

Biological context of Hemoglobinopathies


Anatomical context of Hemoglobinopathies


Gene context of Hemoglobinopathies


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hemoglobinopathies


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