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Gene Review

HBE1  -  hemoglobin, epsilon 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Epsilon-globin, HBE, Hemoglobin epsilon chain, Hemoglobin subunit epsilon
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Disease relevance of HBE1

  • Non-coding transcripts far upstream of the epsilon-globin gene are distinctly expressed in human primary tissues and erythroleukemia cell lines [1].
  • These cells were isolated from non-cystic fibrosis subjects and immortalized with HPV18 genes E6 and E7 (ref. 1). HBE1 cells express a homolog of canine TBM (as demonstrated by TBM expression at the transcription and translation level) [2].
  • We present here the analysis of a family with a 3,030-bp deletion of sequences upstream of the epsilon globin gene including the most 3' locus control region element and cosegregating beta(0) thalassemia [3].
  • Functional studies of embryonic epsilon-globin indicate that individuals with beta thalassemia or sickle cell disease are likely to benefit from therapeutic, transcriptional derepression of its encoding gene [4].
  • The data support the hypothesis that Hb Gower-2, assembled from reactivated epsilon globin in individuals with defined hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, would serve as a physiologically acceptable substitute for deficient or dysfunctional Hb A [5].

High impact information on HBE1


Chemical compound and disease context of HBE1


Biological context of HBE1


Anatomical context of HBE1


Associations of HBE1 with chemical compounds

  • By comparison, hybrid haemoglobins containing either human epsilon-globin or human beta-globin exhibited nearly identical O2-binding properties, both in situ and in vitro, regardless of 2,3-BPG levels or ambient pH [20].
  • Concomitant with squamous transformation, there was an increase in SPR1 expression in HTBE, HBE1, and HBE1-C that was reversible by vitamin A. With progression of tumorigenicity, there was a marked reduction in SPR1 expression in BEAS-2B and a total loss of expression in H460 [21].
  • Intron transcripts from epsilon-globin, A gamma-globin, delta-globin, and beta-globin were complementary to the loop sequence [22].
  • F50 showed a strong dose-dependent inhibitory effect on correctly initiated epsilon-globin gene transcription directed by either unfractionated K562 NE or F175 [23].
  • A neomycin resistance gene was cotransfected into these cells, and a neomycin analogue (G418) was used to select cells containing both the neomycin resistance and epsilon-globin genes [24].

Physical interactions of HBE1


Regulatory relationships of HBE1


Other interactions of HBE1

  • One site 170 bp upstream of the major beta-globin cap site and a site 1400 bp upstream of the major epsilon-globin cap site are located near putative PolIII promoter sequences and may therefore be transcribed by this enzyme [30].
  • Here we show SATB1 family protein induction during early human adult erythroid progenitor cell differentiation concomitant with epsilon-globin expression [31].
  • Using primary passage-1 human tracheobronchial epithelial cell cultures and an immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell line, HBE1, we observed that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha enhanced NF-kappa B transcriptional activity [32].
  • ChIP analysis reveals that NF-E2 is associated with the active epsilon-globin promoter, which lacks an NF-E2 binding sequence, in a TATA box and HS2/MARE-dependent fashion [33].
  • The nucleosome at the promoter which is altered upon activation is positioned over the transcriptional elements of the epsilon-globin gene, i.e., the TATA, CCAAT, and CACCC elements, and the GATA-1 site at -165 [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HBE1


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