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Nursing Staff

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Disease relevance of Nursing Staff


Psychiatry related information on Nursing Staff


High impact information on Nursing Staff

  • RESULTS: Orders for acetaminophen prn (as needed), without further explanation, were interpreted by the nursing staff as antipyretic orders; 78% of patients with such an order and fever received acetaminophen during the febrile episode [8].
  • The accuracy and outcome of capillary blood glucose (CBG) monitoring as routinely performed by nursing staff were assessed [9].
  • Psychiatric symptoms were monitored using the Psychiatric Symptom Assessment Scale performed by nursing staff blind to the haloperidol status but not to the ascorbic acid dosage [10].
  • The Anesthetic Conserving Device allows easily titratable administration of isoflurane without costly equipment and can be safely managed by nursing staff [11].
  • Parenteral drug administration errors by nursing staff on an acute medical admissions ward during day duty [12].

Biological context of Nursing Staff


Associations of Nursing Staff with chemical compounds


Gene context of Nursing Staff

  • MRSA-positive admissions increased progressively from 1993; nursing staff workload increased, areas available for alternative patient accommodation were reduced, the resulting ward closures interfered with clinical services, and hence the control policy was relaxed in mid-1995 [20].
  • The image profile for the EPRS revealed a more negative perception of the EPRS by the nursing staff [21].
  • The lack of significant complications with the NP airway and its acceptability to nursing staff, patients, and their parents suggest that this method deserves more widespread use in PRS and perhaps in other situations in which high upper respiratory tract obstruction is predominant [22].
  • The cumulative dose to nursing staff for the week after treatment was dependent on patient mobility and was estimated at 0.08 mSv for a self-caring patient to 6.3 mSv for a totally helpless patient (1840 MBq/group A) [23].
  • We have compared tactile assessment of the train-of-four (TOF) count and TOF ratio by nursing staff, with measurements made by a new acceleromyographic monitor, the TOF-Watch [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nursing Staff

  • Link nurse groups or networks are used to enhance practice at clinical level (Cooper, 2001), improve the collaboration and education of nursing staff (MacArthur, 1998) and, therefore, have an effect on patient care [25].
  • Determination of platinum in workroom air and in blood and urine from nursing staff attending patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy [26].
  • For subjects receiving the standard denture soak treatment, the nursing staff was instructed to disinfect the maxillary dentures in 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution overnight for 14 days, changing the solution every two days [27].
  • Initial management usually includes hospital admission and, ideally, care by a specialized team involving Physician, Surgeon and Nursing Staff. Prompt and adequate blood replacement is the most important measure followed by diagnosis, usually based on flexible endoscopy [28].
  • Pediatric analgesia with epidural fentanyl citrate administered by nursing staff [29].


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