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Recovery Room

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Disease relevance of Recovery Room


High impact information on Recovery Room

  • Epinephrine levels increased in both groups during bypass, but were higher after bypass (1179 +/- 448 vs 713 +/- 140 pg/ml, p less than 0.05) and in the recovery room (1428 +/- 428 vs 699 +/- 155 pg/ml, p less than 0.05) in the nonpulsatile group [6].
  • Either butorphanol tartrate (1, 2, or 4 mg) or pentazocine (30 or 60 mg) was given intramuscularly (5 dose groups) to 262 patients, who were scheduled for major operations, if they had severe pain after full awakening in the recovery room, postoperatively under double-blind conditions [7].
  • All patients received morphine 0.07 mg/kg (in the recovery room) and oral elixir with codeine 0.05 mg/kg plus acetaminophen 5 mg/kg every 4 h [8].
  • Forty patients received the standard postoperative medication, meperidine 1 mg/kg on demand in the recovery room, followed by ketobemidone 5 mg subcutaneously on demand in the surgical ward (on demand (OD) group) [9].
  • Intravenous narcotics were primarily used in the recovery room and ketorolac tromethamine was administered on the surgical ward [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Recovery Room


Biological context of Recovery Room


Anatomical context of Recovery Room

  • Femoral nerve block, performed before surgery, with Bupivacaine 0.5%, reduced intramuscular opiate administration by 80% in the recovery room and 40% in the first 24 postoperative hours [21].
  • PTH values approximately 10 minutes after excision of the thyroid gland and in the recovery room were obtained; serial ionized calcium levels were also analyzed [22].

Associations of Recovery Room with chemical compounds

  • In addition, patients who received fentanyl experienced less pain during the first hour in the recovery room (P less than 10(-6)) [23].
  • The time to tolerating fluids, recovery room stay, and discharge times were significantly decreased when propofol was used for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia [24].
  • Onset of anesthesia, induction--delivery interval, and stay in the recovery room were all longer with bupivacaine when compared with chloroprocaine [25].
  • Although group I (desflurane) had a longer anesthesia time (52 +/- 12 min vs. 42 +/- 10 min), their time to first response (9.5 +/- 6.8 min vs. 20.9 +/- 14.7 min) and their recovery room time (21 +/- 10.7 min vs. 29 +/- 14.6 min) were less than those in group II (halothane) [26].
  • The time in the recovery room was significantly shorter for patients given lidocaine alone than those given droperidol alone or the combination [27].

Gene context of Recovery Room

  • Following transurethral resection of the prostate under spinal anaesthesia, 26 patients were divided into two groups according to the sensory levels measured in the recovery room: Group A: 20 patients with sensory level T10 or above, and Group B: six patients with sensory level T11 or T12 [28].
  • During the 1st year, the round proceeded indiscriminately among recovery rooms and rooms with stable patients and isolated patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [29].
  • The incidence of PORC, as defined by a train of four ratio of < 0.7, on arrival in the recovery room was 12% in group B, and 24% in group I. Clinical criteria of adequate neuromuscular reversal revealed different results, with the majority of patients being unable to perform either clinical test on arrival in recovery [30].
  • Endotoxin peaked intraoperatively or in the recovery room, TNF tended to peak in the recovery room, and the peak in IL-6 was more variable [31].
  • The median (and range of) TOF ratios recorded in the recovery room were 0.75 (0.33-0.96) and 0.79 (0.10-0.97) in the vecuronium groups monitored with and without a nerve stimulator, respectively [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Recovery Room


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